Then you will soon have an indoor swimming pool and a sports hall in Finsterwolde. “People, we need you very much”

The support for keeping open the indoor swimming pool and sports hall De Hardenberg in Finsterwolde is growing. But this also increases the tension at the citizens’ initiative, which wants to take over the entire sports complex at its own expense and risk.

Residents who own and operate a sports complex without a penny of operating subsidy has never been seen in Oldambt. On paper, De Hardenberg closes July 1, after the city council decided to stop the annual contribution of half a million. The municipality wants to get rid of the sports facilities. “That can go quickly. Before you know it, it’s time. Then there must be an organization,” says board member André Hateboer of Stichting MFC De Hardenberg.

There are about sixty people in the sports café on Wednesday evening who respond to the call to do volunteer work. They are eager to take over the business. Bennie Smits, a successful catering entrepreneur in the region, wants to set up the sports café immediately. According to de Winschoter, there is no time to lose. ,,So gone with the annual summer break in De Hardenberg. When the season starts you have to be ready.”

Get to work

At round tables, the volunteers explain why they like to roll up their sleeves for the quality of life ‘on this side of the A7’. “Sports and exercise close to home is incredibly important. For many people, this whole sports complex is a permanent meeting place”, says Gerlinde, who regularly swims her laps in De Hardenberg. “If closure threatens, you have to do something.” With a friend, she wants to stand behind the bar of the sports cafe and organize activities.

“I think what we do here is a kind of speed dating,” says board member Marcel Werkman. The future volunteers indicate what they would like to do. From landscaping, maintenance and technology to cleaning, supervision at the swimming pool, catering and the organization of activities. ,,People, we all need you badly.” At the table proposals are made for sponsored runs and energy saving. “When I walk here very early in the morning, the light is still on. Sustainability? Turn off the lights in time, start with that”, says one present in the room.

inclusive society

Guido Boom from Finsterwolde hopes that there will also be room for handicapped sports in De Hardenberg. “It’s a great training facility. How nice it would be if the inclusive society takes more shape here.” His daughter Jolein will take part in a cycling race at the Special Olympics World Games in Berlin next month. Boom would like to contribute to sports activities for people with disabilities in his region.

‘It’s a complete company’

André Hateboer, Marcel Werkman, Jan Kolthof and Bouwe Simens of the MFC De Hardenberg Foundation explain the state of affairs. Next week there will be a second meeting with the municipality of Oldambt about a takeover. Then they hope to hit nails with heads. Werkman: “We will soon bear the risk, but we want to know from the municipality what is still possible. It’s a complete company that needs to be run here.”

Hateboer acknowledges that the talks with the municipality have not gone smoothly. “We have thought four or five times: we will stop. But if two want to stop, there are always three left to kick those others in the ass.” The volunteers-to-be appreciate the commitment of the board and also the action committee that goes to great lengths. “You are some unbelievable jerks.”

Entrepreneurs participate

Entrepreneurs are ready to support De Hardenberg. “Before we talk to them in more detail, we gauge the support among the population. We have started an action. Money comes in every day. We are at 344 donations. The counter is now at 26,435.89 euros. We are happy with the support of all Associations of Village Interests in the municipality of Oldambt. The responses are overwhelming. Even the German fire brigade called to ask if they can continue to practice with us.”

The foundation is more than satisfied with the interest of swimming school Hennie de Groot and catering entrepreneur Bennie Smits. ,,When they reported to us, I jumped for joy”, says Hateboer. Smits, who for many years successfully operated Gasterij Smits in Midwolda and later Brasserie Pand 147 in Winschoten, wants to help De Hardenberg. “Because this is a very important facility for the region. It is a place that connects people. But it’s also about safety. In this part of the Oldambt, too, children must receive swimming lessons in good time at a very young age.”

Break through death house construction

Conversations with school directors show that they would like to collaborate more with sports clubs. Sports clubs can give clinics at De Hardenberg and interest children in sports practice at their clubs. ,,If that happens, the knife cuts both ways”, says Hateboer. “We are going to do everything we can to make this a vibrant sports complex. With the cutbacks at De Hardenberg, the announced closure and the deteriorating state of maintenance, a kind of death house construction gradually emerged here. We have to break that.”
