‘Then work was a recipe for a burn-out’

The winning talk show De Wereld Draait Door, which was also regularly scheduled for construction, will be carried out from 2005 to 2020. After the shears, it will be clear that it is a question of structurally large overrides. The work pressure was high and the medewerkers who died were responsible for the pressure and reported it shortly.

De Nederlandse Krant The People’s Crane Sprak met meer dan zeventig oud-medewerkers over de werksfeer bij De Wereld Draait Door. You will also be informed of the redactie over sent mails in medical dossiers of medewerkers that you will report to bedrijfsarts.

The editors of the program are given the name of the presenter of the program, Matthijs van Nieuwkerk, as intimate. Werknemer speaks with trekking tot het drag van van Nieuwkerk over ‘extreme woede-uitbarstingen’ and ‘publiceke vernederingen’. “Long bij De Wereld Draait Door werken was a recipe for a burn-out”, reports éen van de oud-medewerkers.

De zender the het programma uitzond, BNNVara, recognizes that he destijds prake what van grensoverschrijdend gedrag. “The intention and the presenter had been suggested to us,” said the directie van de zender. BNNVara roept oud-medewerkers op hun verhaal te doen.

Presenter Matthijs van Nieuwkerk heeft in the middle also explained. It shows that it is “enormously spijt” that there are no other things that are really good and well worth it for the program. “Now we met a number of long-term thoughts. The nemen helaas geen keer, maar lift we dead to think. Every mirror stays in my room.”

On the other hand, there is a risk that the Netherlands Raad voor Cultuur not all sectors may be misused, but there may also be a problem, what a number of works fairs can be created. In 2011 the toenmal directeur van de zender – Frans Klein – was brought al op de hoogte van de trusting worksomgeving. Klein shows that this is not the case in the seriousness of the situation, but hey destijds wel geprobeerd om de Werkdruk te verlichten. The test earth that you doen door de personeelsbezetting te increases.

Uit de verslagen van oud-medewerkers blijkt dat veel van hen last hadden van een burn-out of angstklachten. Sommigen he held a post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSS) aan over.
