Then Gregory, the stop on life support postponed to November 10th

The withdrawal of life support cannot take place before the conclusion of the hearing scheduled for Friday 10 November

Editorial board

It was scheduled for 5pm today Italian time, after being postponed by two hours, the detachment of the machines that keep little Indi Gregory alivebut in the afternoon a new postponement arrived linked to the appeal presented this morning by the Italian consul in Manchester, Matteo Corradiniguardianship judge of the 8-month-old English girl since the Council of Ministers granted her Italian citizenship.

The new postponement will be for a few hours: the appeal will be discussed at 1pm Italian time tomorrow, Friday 10 November, and Indi Gregory was taken off life support cannot take place before the conclusion of the hearing. Confirmation of this latest development came from the father of the little girl suffering from one very serious degenerative mitochondrial diseaseDean Gregory, and his attorneys.

Indi Gregory case, what happened today

This morning the Italian consul in Manchester turned to the English High Court to ask to cede jurisdiction over the case to Italy, based on the procedures pursuant to articles 9 and 32 of the Hague Convention. The objective remains to transport the little girl, now hospitalized at the Queen’s Medical Center in Nottingham, to Italy and continue life support at the Bambino Gesù hospital in Rome.

The appeal of Indi Gregory’s parents

Today from Indi’s parents, Dean and Claireanother thanks has arrived to the Italian authorities who have been working for days to get the little girl to our country: “I want to thank the Italian consulate in Manchester for their help and I want to thank the government, the President and the Italian people. We think that it is in Indi’s best interest to come to Italy to receive treatments that could help her breathe, by opening a valve through the implantation of a stent, so that we can then focus on her mitochondrial disease which can be treated with these therapies. We know that Indi She’s a fighter, she wants to live, and she doesn’t deserve to die.”
