Theft at the Russian Olympic Committee – The thief was caught embarrassingly

The thief took a bag containing important reports.

The thief walked into the building of the Russian Olympic Committee, where new skis were being presented. EPA / AOP

At the end of January, there was a theft at the premises of the Russian Olympic Committee, a Russian Match TV news.

A presentation of local ski manufacturers was in progress, when a thief took a bag from one of the presenters. The bag contained a computer, test equipment and a memory card containing various test reports and videos from ten years.

The theft happened when a representative of the ski brand Alexander Ryazanov went to visit the maintenance manager of the Russian biathlon team outside his car Alexander Pechersky with.

The men left their bags on the ground in front of the Olympic Committee building and went to get skis from the basement. When they returned, Ryazanov’s bag had been taken.

The guards couldn’t find the culprit, and since it was already six in the evening, the computer people responsible for the surveillance camera tapes had gone home.

Later, however, the thief was caught quite easily when his face was visible in the surveillance camera images. All his movements were recorded on video.

– You must be quite an idiot to attempt such a crime in today’s digital society. I am speechless, Petšersky commented to Match TV.

According to the police, the thief had no connection with the Russian Olympic Committee. He was just walking down the street and decided to go inside the Olympic Committee building. Once inside, he didn’t even try to hide.

When the man came out of the building, he noticed the backpack, picked it up and started running.
