Theater tour Daniël Lohues postponed – RTV Drenthe

Singer Daniël Lohues is not yet in the theater for the time being. The theater tour of the musician from Erica has been postponed, he doesn’t feel well enough to go on tour yet.

Lohues has not yet fully recovered from his burnout. During his tour of the Dutch theaters, he would play new songs as well as older favorites of the singer. “Favorite songs from the successful Allennig series and the beautiful records before and after,” the tour was announced. “He accompanies himself on the grand piano or on the guitar, or on a banjo or a mandolin.”

The former SKIK foreman would perform in the Atlas Theater in Emmen, DNK in Assen, Schouwburg Ogterop in Meppel and De Tamboer in Hoogeveen. Many theaters have scheduled a new date for the performance in 2023.
