D.boys live with the shortness of breath of impatience, or under the blanket of indolence. Attention to the little things is very rare. It assumes importance over the years. Because, suddenly, we realize that our chair or desk we’re working on will outlive us.
Each zodiac sign has a different look at the little things.
L’Aries, Leo and Sagittariusfor example, they spark curiosity about the sparkle of a prestigious watch, the new design of a car or the seat of a motorcycle.
Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces they live with more emotional, less material attention, and focus their gaze on the poetic verticality of a tree, a landscape, an exchange of glances, a hoarse and deep voice that can reveal the mystery of the identity of those in front of you.
The Earth signs are attracted to the appetizing and aesthetic calls: the Bull focuses on a special serving dish, the Virgin scrupulously follows the shades of a parquet. The Capricorn look at the label of an exclusive wine.
The signs of air merge material and virtual curiosities. The attention of the Twins he immerses himself in the lively and complicit atmosphere of an evening with friends. There Balance she is fascinated by the tailored cut of a coat. The Aquarius suddenly turns attention to the illuminating passage of a book that becomes an intuitive flicker for a project of her.
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