The zodiac signs and apathy. Who defends himself better?

No.Despite the arrival of summer, that sticky mood now dated 2021 resurfaces for which the psychologist Adam Grant on New York Times he coined the word languishing. The fateful languor that, like a spiral of smoke, nebulizes the enthusiasm.

Is there a stellar culprit? Apparently it was Neptune, dream planet, to spread from the sign of Pisces the vapors of sloth that have quelled the competitive enthusiasm. Better to pull the oars in the boat.

The movements of the planets, from “Atlas coelestis seu Harmonia Macrocosmica” (1660) by Andreas Cellarius (photo Getty Images)

The pandemic first and the war later created a filter between us and the rest of the worldan unfocused disorientation useful for surviving a disturbing reality.

How did the 12 zodiac signs react to this wave of apathy? Aries, Leo and Sagittariusin the slow lapping of indolence, they intercepted a more authentic feeling to make more balanced choices.

Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, after an initial state of resignation, they transformed sloth into a healthy ferryman. The Charon that leads beyond the ford, towards unexpected resources.

Gemini, Libra and AquariusInstead, with the force of Air, they swept away the renunciation thanks to an intellectual storm to collect new ideas.

And the signs of Earth? Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, scanning the sky with their arms behind their heads, they saw in the silhouette of a cloud the traces of a plan B to do what they really like. Even the dead in the water.

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