The youngest champion of the World Rally Championship was Colin McRae

Colin McRae was the youngest World Rally Champion – so far.

Rally has traditionally been a sport for mature adults.

The teenage stars who dominate F1 tracks have not been successful behind the wheel of a rally car, and the reason is clear. The characteristics of each rally must be learned firsthand through repetitions.

In practice, it means that even in formulas Sebastian Vettel won the world championship at the age of 23 years and 134 days, is the rally record still held by the late Colin McRae in names (27 years 89 days).

Of course, this year the record books will have a new faith, when Rovanperä cuts five years off the Scottish champion’s quote.

The tension is focused on whether the Finn will have time to turn 22 (October 1) before the title is secured.

Rovanperä already holds the record for the youngest race winner (20 years and 290 days). Statistical runner-up Jari-Matti Latvala was more than two years older when he took his own debut victory.

Rovanperä’s advantage is, of course, that he learned the alphabet of the sport as an elementary school student on his own farm truck. But even after that, the Finn has adopted new things at an amazing speed.

The second-generation rally star naturally has excellent heritage factors for the sport. The interplay of hand and eye is seamless and the man’s reaction ability is phenomenal. In addition, Rovanperä has an amazingly good memory, which keeps the Finn on the right track.

Kalle Rovanperä absorbed all possible lessons from Sébastien Ogier. Juha Sorri

The package is completed by an insatiable will to win.

– We have tried to do the groundwork well. Then I’ve had to go to new situations and rallies, which has forced me to learn, Rovanperä explains.

The first two years at Toyota were spent while still learning. Rovanperä sucked From Sébastien Ogier everything, which in the case of the eight-time world champion is a lot.

– Of course, Seb was able to share the car’s information and data. You can see the differences.

– Yes, there were some things, but less than I expected. I got to see the working style from the side, but on the other hand, I myself have been the type to try to do everything in my own way. I have trusted it.
