The ‘Yolanda Díaz effect’ stops in full launch of its new platform

For a few months, Yolanda Diaz she managed to be the only political leader who obtained the approval of the citizens. It was in the months of March, April and May of this year when the second vice president of the Government exceeded five -something that very few politicians achieve-, according to the Center for Sociological Research (CIS). However, those times seem to be over. Although she is still the most valued leader, the ‘diaz effect’ It has slowed down in recent months, right in the middle of Sumar’s launch.

The October barometer published this Monday by the CIS gives Díaz a 4.71. Six tenths less than in March, when he managed to reach the 5.36, a score that no other leader has achieved throughout this legislature. However, the valuation of the vice president has been plummeting month after month since then, reaching figures similar to those obtained in the summer of 2021when the CIS began to ask about her after relieving paul churches in the leadership of the purple wing of the Government.

In February, the outbreak of Putin’s war forced Díaz to postpone the launch of his listening process, which had already been delayed several times. However, the vice president had just approved the labor reform in February, which led her to reach her personal record. The following month the decline began and Diaz got the last pass from her, a 5.05.

Parallel to the listening process

The premiere of Sumar, on July 8 in Madrid, did not serve to return the old figures. Far from it, it achieved a 4.81, according to the barometer of that month. In that act, Díaz explained that his intention is to tour all of Spain throughout this 2022 to listen to social groups and draw up a “new social contract” with them for the next decade. The first of these acts was in Madrid and later it has passed through Galiciathe Basque Country, Asturias Y Catalonia. However, it doesn’t seem like the listening process is generating the interest I was hoping for. Since the beginning of the summer she has lost two tenths.

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Díaz’s decline is only comparable to that of the leader of the PP, Alberto Nunez Feijoowhich in April -the first time the CIS asked about him- was valued with a 5.20 and this month has received a 4.42. Still, both cases are different. While the leader of the PP obtained that approval as soon as he became president of the party and without time for the citizens to analyze his management, Díaz reached his best mark after months of being in charge of the purples in the Executive.

the electoral mark

On the contrary, the ‘Díaz effect’ does seem to benefit the United We Can brand. In July, coinciding with the presentation of Sumar, the purple ones achieved a vote estimate of 13.4%, which meant a rise of more than 3.5 points compared to the previous month. Although that fever seems to have relaxed, United We Can has stabilized at around 12.7% in the last two months.
