The world keeps spinning, but Hilversum is in summer sleep

It’s almost September already, the leaves are burning from the trees, but most Dutch TV makers are still on vacation. Apart from the weather forecast, there is little to see on television. AvroTros tried the viewer in the program on Wednesday evening Being Ad Visser once again to make the man believe that the man still has ‘underexposed sides’. According to the broadcaster, the 75-year-old curly-haired person is so much more than “the eccentric Mr. Top pop”. Visser is also “an imaginative artist who realizes large artistic projects through his unstoppable creativity”. The broadcast was a repeat of the program that aired in April. The repetition of the underexposed sides will be repeated by the public broadcaster on Friday. And Saturday again.

The Dutch cabinet is at a loss, seven hundred asylum seekers are now sleeping outside at the capsizing application center in Ter Apel and Ukraine is ‘celebrating’ independence with a Russian pistol to their chest. All subjects that deserve more attention than the few excellent reports by Arjen van der Horst, Gert-Jan Dennekamp and Jeroen Akkermans from Ukraine.

The world keeps spinning, but Hilversum is in summer sleep. The former DWDD presenter Matthijs van Nieuwkerk was also on television on Wednesday, but not to present an urgent talk show in the evening. Van Nieuwkerk sang in his BNNVARA program summer school together with magician Hans Klok the song by Rita Corita ‘Coffee coffee nice cup of coffee’. Klok gave a lecture on variety shows in the Netherlands.

It is a shame that the most talented TV presenter in the Netherlands is now breaking his days by presenting an ‘interactive TV quiz’ and announcing musicians. The only daily talk show on the public broadcaster that can also be seen in the summer – On 1 – meanwhile, is kept afloat by stand-ins and with unexciting guests. Wednesday with Diederik Gommers!

Hoekstra is a slacker

It is even worse for commercial broadcasters. They show an endless series of indefinable quizzes and reality programs. Only at SBS6 the construction trade holiday has already ended for two weeks. In talk show Today Inside Three men who know everything about football watch the most important national and international news every weeknight.

Much attention from the SBS analysts this week for the political crisis in The Hague. The men have faith in mediator Johan Remkes. “A great guy,” says Johan Derksen. He has inside information because he knows Remkes from birthday parties and funerals because the ex-brother-in-law of Derksen was in the city council of Groningen together with Remkes for the VVD. Wopke Hoekstra is of course “a slacker” but it is good that after all the “riots” and “to save his own CDA”, he now has “progressive insight”. “If those farmers get the blow on the nose immediately, then you will get into misery again because those farmers are distraught.”

The cabinet will not make it to Christmas, Derksen thinks. “It can’t come fast enough for me.” According to him, the priority is now to stem the flow of asylum seekers. “Go talk to Boris Johnson. Safelanders you have to wiggle to Africa”. René van der Gijp saw another problem. He doesn’t understand how Boris Johnson has been on holiday in Greece and “still looks like he slept in a sack of flour. That man is not browning.”

Derksen does not expect much improvement for the time being. That is the fault of GroenLinks and D66. “Mrs Kaag is not there for her constituents. He wants to become the first female Prime Minister. I think it’s a disaster that bitch.”

There is nothing wrong with nature in the Netherlands, Derksen knows. “I walk the dog in nature every morning. That’s fantastic”.
