The World Cup is over – the severity of the injury became clear

Arsi Ruuskanen’s World Championships ended with an injury.

Arsi Ruuskanen The World Cup is over. The doctor of the Finnish national team told Tiedon Iltalehte Janne Pesonen.

– It is impossible to predict the recovery at such a recent stage. However, it’s safe to say that the games are over. Arsi cannot continue, Pesonen said.

Ruuskanen fell in Friday’s combined race and crashed into the end posts of the advertising fence. The Finn has a leg injury.

– Large soft tissue injury of the lower limb, type of contusion. No fractures.

Pesonen and Ruuskanen left the race directly in an ambulance to a Slovenian hospital, where the skier will remain under observation overnight.

– You have to be satisfied that the most serious injuries were avoided. If there are no complications, the situation and his health seem good considering the circumstances.

According to the doctor, despite the disappointment, the young skier is fine.

– He was in good health and in a surprisingly good mood when I left the hospital.

Nothing to do

Arsi Ruuskanen’s World Championships ended with an injury. PASI LEISMA

Ruuskanen’s fall happened in the first lap of the race, after a good kilometer had been covered. At the same time Italy fell Paolo Ventura.

The exact course of events is still not clear.

– According to Arsi, something happened in front that drove him to the outside line. He had to dodge and hit the end posts of the advertising fence. He had nothing to do.

Ruuskanen flies to Finland when he can travel.

– He asked to be allowed to recover in peace.
