The Women’s Classic, a quantum match

It took a while to fill up Camp Nou to see the Women’s Classic because if there is something truly classic it is that the public of FC Barcelona arrives late to his team’s games. But the stadium was packed. And it is impossible to exaggerate the importance that this fact has for the history of the club and for the history of women’s football around the world. Anything that is said here, any expression of astonishment or congratulations, will fall far short, because we are talking about a leap of quantum natureand it is already known that quantum phenomena are very difficult to understand and even more difficult to explain.

In that “motivational talk & rdquor; what Carles Puyol gave the Barça players last Monday before the match with Real Madrid -a manual ‘mansplaining’, but we are going to leave that now-, the eternal captain of the Pep Team appealed to his own experience to ensure that “the most difficult It’s winning after winning & rdquor ;. The message was undoubtedly loaded with good intentions, but perhaps Puyol lost sight of the fact that the Barça soccer players he was addressing they had already achieved something much more difficult in their sports careers to win after winning: they had made visible a reality, that of football practiced by women, which until two days ago was absolutely invisible.

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How could Puyol talk about challenges and difficulties to Melanie Serranowho stepped onto the pitch at the Camp Nou in the 81st minute to play in front of 91,553 spectators after having spent years and years defending the colors of Barça at the facilities of the old Ciutat Esportiva with an average attendance at matches of 200 people (300 on good days). Next to that, winning a match, or even a title, seems easy enough.

To have been at the forefront of this cosmic leap in women’s football with initiatives such as playing the second leg of the Champions League quarter-finals in a packed Nou Camp is one of those achievements of which the Barcelona fan can, and should, feel legitimately proud. And if you also win, as the old joke said, the thing is already the host.
