The women of FICO Bologna: training and nutrition

D.when to the presidency of FIGthe Bologna theme park dedicated to the agri-food sector and gastronomythere is Tiziana Primori, one of the objectives of the food park has become spread the culture of food, especially among young people and students. But also to promote equality between women and men at work.

«Pre-pandemic FICO welcomed 100,000 visitors, of which 10% foreigners, in its educational courses on nutrition. Inside the park there are factories, artisanal production, agriculture: the entire supply chain, from the field to the table. We want to continue in this direction and we are also reflecting on distance learning courses ».

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Tiziana Primori: Female training and leadership at FICO

Training of young people and all visitors, with particular attention to women. In fact, it is no coincidence that Primori, a past in managerial positions in logistics companies and then in Coop and a long history of innovative projects behind (among his creations, in 2008 he created the Ambasciatori di Bologna: an original space, which on three floors houses a large Coop bookshop, a bar, a restaurant and an Eataly tavern. The project was a international success, winning the awards World Retail Innovation 2010 and of the President of the Republic for innovation 2010), has embraced the new Farinetti project from birth. In fact, a majority of women work within Fico and equal opportunities are fully satisfied.

Fico Tiziana Primori Agri-food Park

Tiziana Primori, president of the FICO Agri-food Park

Eliminate the gender gap

Another fundamental objective of Primori is, in fact, to finally reach the professional equality between men and women: «I was one of the first female managers in male companies like Coop and Fiat. At the time, as a woman, it was easier to work in a field like training, instead I was the general manager of Coop, I worked in logistics. Many people then asked me: “Why do you want to do this? ” I have always replied: would you ever ask a man? Because yes! Has a man ever been asked why he wanted to be CEO? ”. We women have a “defect”: we die of competence. We never try, we always need confirmation of competence, we should do like men and throw ourselves, always look beyond the obstacle. Something is changing? One day Rita levi Montalcini looking at my daughter said to me: “You have it, I don’t”. Now we know that it is possible, but it is still not so simple also because all the important part of family life is entrusted to women ».

This is why Primori is working a lot on the topic of women today: «With some universities I’m trying to kick off projects on female leadership and in Fico I brought WomenXimpactevent on the worlds of entrepreneurship, leadership, career, sustainable innovation, and much more, all in a female key, which will take place from 17 to 19 November 2022 “.

Mirella Parmeggiani: the protection of Grana Padano cheese at FICO

Disseminate the culture of the Grana Padano brand through training. It is the rationale that led Mirella Parmeggiani, Head of External Relations and Special Projects of Consortium for the protection of Grana Padano cheese, to adhere to the Fico project from birth. Another woman at the head of a project in the Bologna theme park dedicated to the agri-food sector and gastronomy: “We have married Fico since the days of Expo Milano, because the philosophy of Fico went well with the mission of the Consortium, among which we find promotion of the Grana Padano brand and training ».

Mirella Parmeggiani: the protection of Grana Padano cheese in Fico

Mirella Parmeggiani: Protection of Grana Padano Cheese in Fig

The Grana Padano dairy in FICO

Inside the park the Consortium, which today has 129 manufacturing companies with 142 producing dairies and 149 maturingopened a real dairy in which, before the pandemic, 4 wheels a day were produced: «We organized demonstrations open to the public with the cheesemaker and there is a path with illustrative panels and a dairy – explains Parmeggiani. With the pandemic and there has been a sharp slowdown in visits and the considerable costs have forced us to suspend processing, but we like reality and we are left with a museum-style itinerary that shows a dairy with all the equipment ». Training, in fact, is part of the DNA of the Grana Padano Consortium, which supports its members with ad hoc materials for school visits to dairies.

Debora Bellezza: Fresh Pasta and gender equality

Debora Bellezza is the vice president of SfogliAmothe laboratory and restaurant of fresh pasta within Fico: “We only make fresh Bolognese pasta to keep the tradition going: we are all young and there are also male sfoglini to respect the attention to gender equality typical of the park. We have the laboratory and the bistro that cooks our freshly made pasta. Like most of the sfogline I always made it as a child with my mother, then cooking it for friends: it has always been a passion. They said to me: “It’s very good, why don’t you do it for work?”. So I made up my mind: I took professional courses, I sent CVs here to SfogliAmo and I started. My interview consisted of doing the pastry on Sunday in front of hundreds of people who photographed us ».

Among the specialties of SfogliAmo, which also has two other shops in Bologna, there are the more “classic” pastas, such as tortellini and lasagna but also gourmet products because “we love to combine tradition with innovation”. Any examples? Caramelized fig Cappellacci stuffed with fresh and aged goat cheese, fig jam and ruetopped with orange cream and flaked almond, the area’s organic chestnut Cappellacci stuffed with speck and potatoes, the burrata tortellone with ‘nduja, the Cavatelli with crusco pepper.

FICO in April: Easter, between eggs and picnics

Starting from April 1st, every Friday and Saturday evening of the month, from FICO Eataly World dances to the rhythm of Latin, country, pop and swing music.
While the grown-ups dance, the little ones immerse themselves in Easter joy with the traditional Egg Hunt (9, 10 and 16 April): the children will have to recompose their own basket of eggs by going and looking around the whole theme park. A day in the open air, dedicated to the smells and colors of spring and Easter traditions.
Also dedicated to the youngest paths of magic with the event “Magic and Mystery at FICO Alley” (April 16), and circus workshops and shows (April 23).
And since Easter Monday is almost always spent around a grill, at FICO on April 18th you can choose between a barbecue in the orchard and a suggestive picnic under the soap bubbles! The Serra Agrumeto di FICO transforms itself into a House of Bubbles every weekend in April where children can play and have fun immersed in a storm of thousands of flying bubbles all to burst.

