“The winning name of the Diili competition is not Aki” – The contestant completely collapses in the middle of the final task

Diili-Aki’s final performance is to go on a quad due to the weather conditions.

Aki, Wenla and Tiina compete for Diili’s victory. Four

Tonight DealIn the episode, once again, we see emotions all over the place, when Aki, Wenla and Tiina perform the final task of the competition.

Each finalist will be tasked with organizing a fundraising event for children and young people.

Aki decides to organize, together with Ate and Miko, who were previously eliminated from the competition, a sports-themed fundraising event, with activities such as scooting led by Helmeri Pirinen. In addition to this, the trio procured a bouncy castle and catering for the event.

Fundraising takes place through a charity auction, where the group collects various products. For example, a cap with Kimi Räikkönen’s autograph is up for auction.

Jaajo Linnonmaa is looking for an operational manager for his companies. Four

Aki’s group comes up with the name for the event “kikkailing autumn vacation”, which Jaajo gets from advisors Noora Fagerström and Toni From the source special points.

The sky is bursting

Aki’s event takes place outside in the yard of Vantaa’s Myyrmäki hall. The finalist himself ponders several times in the episode, whether the weather can be his fate, because the rain clouds look threatening.

– One of the cornerstones of this event is that we can make this a fun event. If it rains from the sky, the comfort is there. I don’t know if we can talk about a successful event, even if something happens everywhere here. The weather is a damn big risk, Aki thinks.

Just before the start of the event, Aki’s worst fear comes true. The sky is tearing apart and the heavy rain brings Aki to the brink of collapse.

– At the moment, there is a feeling that the name of the winner of the deal competition is not Aki, the finalist tells the cameras sadly.

The deal can be watched on Mondays at 21:00 on Nelose or Ruutu+. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
