The wine dog Leni works in the Turku wine bar

Wine Bar Vinho has a list of 190 glass wines.

At first, the wine of the Leni dog was a joke. It still is – at least in part.

The wine bar of Vinhon Leni smells so good that it is even named after the tasting held at the bar: Wine dog Lenin’s birthday tasting: Defects in the wines.

The wines that Leni would like to lipstick taste like spoiled in a person’s mouth.

Leni was just over a year old when her sizzling wine was noticed. Some of the early wines tasting on Vinho’s summer terrace were a little overwhelmed by Len’s better mouth.

– The very wines that Leni was hugely interested in tasted special in our mouths, says Vinho’s entrepreneur and Lenin’s host Peter Paakkola .

– Gradually we realized that if we didn’t like some wine, Leni was the most interested, Terhi Pihlaja as well as Vinho’s entrepreneur and Lenin’s mistress.

Leni enjoys sniffing wines. The bad he would like to splurge on his own blowjob. Roni Lehti

The same cork-defective wines have been tested in other dogs, but the reaction has not been similar to that of Len. So it’s not a characteristic of dogs in principle, but for some reason Leni likes them very much. Apparently a wine dog is born.

Lenin’s “working days” are not eight hours long, not even eight minutes.

The dog’s attention is easily distracted and has its own weaknesses. If, in the kitchen of the wine bar, the ham is cut at the same time as Len has a wine rating going, the attention of the hairy muzzle is immediately distracted. It leaves wine second.

Leni likes defective wines, but Paakkola and Pihlaja are not quite sure which defects Leni can detect.

– The cork defect is pretty clear. In addition, I suspect Lenin will smell aftermath, Pihlaja apricots.

According to Terhi Pihlaja, wine is not a serious matter in Vinho. Roni Lehti

Sometimes it happens that a dog is interested in a good wine in the opinion of its owners. Then, according to Paakkola, one begins to doubt whether there is any starting defect in the wine that has not yet been detected.

However, not a single wine is sent back unopened, no matter how interested Leni is. Every time a person tests wine.

In fact, Paakkola and Pihlaja have not taught Len to discover defective wines. It’s about chatting.

The same fun is in Vinho anyway. Wine is a happy thing and should not be taken too seriously.

If necessary, Leni can also relax. Roni Lehti

– We punch in the wines from side to side. We highlight exciting vineyards and introduce new grapes to customers, Pihlaja says.

Even strange grapes can be tasted in Vinho, but they are counterbalanced by super classics or limited availability wines.

The love of Pihlaja and Paakkola also awoke alongside the wine. The couple began to seriously think about how wine could make a living.

Leaving the banking world behind, Paakkola, a graduate of Kauppakorkea, got the idea of ​​organizing wine classes while jogging.

When Paakkola found the perfect space for the right wine bar, plans grew.

Terhi Pihlaja and Pietari Paakkola and the wine dog Leni enjoy the wine bar in Vinho. Paakkola now works a much longer working day than in his banking career, but it doesn’t feel like hard work. Roni Lehti

– This is not in the center and the space was in poor condition after the heavy use of the previous bar, but there was still something I believed in, Paakkola describes his discovery.

They set up a wine bar they couldn’t find in their hometown. Now they have a place where anyone can enjoy wines.

– If I asked for only 8 cents of wine in a restaurant, I was amazed. In Vinho, the idea is that the customer can taste more wine during the same evening. Usually, with good luck, you get 10 glasses by the restaurant. We currently have a list of 190 bottles, all of which are poured 8 cents, Pihlaja says.

The wine bar, which opened three months before the interest rate closures, immediately had time to gain a customer base and its reputation is growing all the time.

Whether it is listed in the international Star Wine List ranking: Vinho won gold in the glass wine series in Finland last year.

The explanatory memorandum stated that the Vinho wine list was the most versatile in its category with a wide range of options. In addition, the price level was praised.

The results for 2022 will be announced at the end of May.

Vinho’s customer base is not limited in any way. It consists of just 18 advanced and retired people. The wines are also on a large scale. Paakkola laughs that Vinho is focused on all the wines in the world.

Vinho has been seen several times with his parents at the first legal glass of wine, just 18 years old. Roni Lehti

– We stand behind every wine. It is the best possible in its price range.

The entrepreneurial couple cannot thank and praise their staff enough. The customer never needs to know in advance what they want to order.

The staff can ask the right questions and find a suitable wine for tasting.

Usually two to three wines are tasted during the evening, but there are also those who immediately order a full table so that the wines can be compared.

According to Paakkola, the most common question is: “This was an exceptionally good wine. Can I get it from Alko? ”
