Fränti told the grief news in the some.
Seppo Sarkkinen / Yle Photographic Service
Yle’s long-time news anchor Tommy Fräntin wife Saara Kovero is dead. Kovero was 44 years old.
Fränti, 50, told the grief news Twitteraccount. He published a picture of his wife and a touching memoir.
– You were the strongest and most beautiful person I have ever known. And you were my wife. Thank you for everything. I always love sua, Fränti writes.
Several of Fränt’s colleagues commented on their condolences under the publication, such as Yle’s CEO Merja Ylä-Anttilaeditor Marja Sannikka and TV meteorologist Matti Huutonen.
Fränti, who has also worked as a news journalist and producer, has been covering Yle’s news since 2005.