The West turned a blind eye to uncomfortable moments

Venezuela expresses full support for Russia against the backdrop of situation around Ukraine and advocates seeking diplomatic solutions. This was stated by the President of the Bolivarian Republic, Nicolas Maduro. According to him, the Minsk agreements were rejected by Kiev, the right-wing radicals were not interested in resolving the conflict through dialogue. And he called the attitude of the West to Ukraine almost a colonial administration.

What does the world expect from President Putin? That he should be inactive and not act in defense of his people? Venezuela declares its full support for the President Vladimir Putin in the defense of peace in Russia, in this region, in the courageous defense of our people. The world of Russia is peace throughout the world.

The Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs called for serious consideration of Russia’s justified demands for security guarantees. NATO expansion there was called a threat to regional and international peace.

Beijing is also in favor of dialogue. As stated in the Chinese Foreign Ministry, China is against any unilateral sanctions. The department emphasized that restrictions are not the best way to resolve problems. Officials are echoed by the Chinese media. According to the state newspaper The Global Times, sanctions will not help reduce tensions. The constructive efforts of the international community are needed.

The US continued to actively contain Russia, which eventually forced it to try to implement its security demands in this way. This is an outburst of dissatisfaction from a side whose security demands were ignored for a long time after the end of the Cold War.

However, international institutions, which are supposed to take into account the views of all parties, instead prefer to turn a blind eye to moments that are inconvenient for them. As Sergei Lavrov stated, the UN Secretary General actually succumbed to pressure from the West. The statements of António Guterres, who criticized Russia’s recognition of the DPR and LPR, were called by the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry inconsistent with his status.

“Regarding the situation in Ukraine, the Secretary General has never raised his voice in favor of the need to fulfill the requirements of the Minsk package of measures, Security Council resolution 2202, which directly requires solving all problems by agreement between Kiev, Donetsk and Luhansk. No one in the West has ever heard about this mentioned and, unfortunately, the Secretary General followed these sad examples,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said.

But in the West they do not stop mentioning anti-Russian sanctions. The German authorities, who on the eve paused the certification of Nord Stream 2, will double-check what risks the gas pipeline carries for the energy supply of Germany and Europe. The suspension of the project was criticized by German politicians of both the left and right. According to the MP from the German Left Party Sarah Wagenknecht, the restrictions are hurting Germany and Europe. And it is necessary to solve the crisis not with new sanctions, but with a revision of Kiev’s unconditional support. Well, in Poland, with undisguised regret, they admitted that their economy is not strong enough to hit Russia with sanctions.

“I would like Poland to be such a powerful economy so that we ourselves can impose sanctions on Russia that will be sensitive. Indeed, I would really like this. Politics is the art of real actions and those that have real consequences,” the prime minister said. Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki.

The UK threatens to accept new ones after the sanctions imposed the day before. According to Foreign Minister Elizabeth Truss, the United Kingdom plans to limit Russia’s access to British markets. But in what case London will do this is still unknown. Argumentation – at the level of “highly like”.

“If there is a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, which we expect, it is important to keep sanctions in reserve,” says British Foreign Secretary Elizabeth Truss. “I’m afraid this is a very likely event.”

The authorities of France have not decided on their assessments either.

– Biden at the White House said that Russia had launched an invasion of Ukraine. But this word is currently not used by you, or France, or Europeans. Why?

“Because words matter. In the current situation, one must weigh words and keep cool. I don’t think “invasion” is the right word. The sanctions we adopted are caused by Russia’s encroachment on the territorial integrity of Ukraine and are targeted,” the minister replied economy and finance of France Bruno Le Maire.

The Serbian authorities also called for a peaceful solution to the conflict. According to the chairman of the country’s parliament, Belgrade will not violate fraternal relations with Russia.

“Our policy is absolutely clear – we want to keep the peace. It’s not easy, you see how two fraternal peoples – Russians and Ukrainians – can simply be pushed together in the interests of third parties. We will definitely not participate in this fratricidal war,” warns the chairman of the National Assembly of Serbia, Ivica Dacic.

And the people of Italy have found an unusual way to express their position on what is happening. In Rome, near the Colosseum, a banner was hung out calling on the Italian authorities to recognize the independence of the DPR and LPR.

Meanwhile, as it became known on February 23, the Russian Foreign Ministry promised to give a sensitive and strong response to the sanctions imposed against the Russian Federation.
