The wells did not draw, people hid in bajamajas

Popeda’s last concert will be held in Tampere today. The weather is not favoring the gig crowd as expected.

People gathered at the entrances of the Ratina stadium to hide from the rain. Atte Kajova

On Saturday, Popeda fans will be able to celebrate the journey of the rock band that has been influential for six decades at Tampere’s Ratina stadium.

Unfortunately, particularly humid weather has favored the day of the gig. On Saturday afternoon, heavy downpours were witnessed in the center of Tampere, which continued until the early evening.

Popeda fans were equipped for bad weather with raincoats. Atte Kajova

The courtyard of the Ratina shopping center was taken over by large pools of water, which were the consequences of the wells being blocked.

The most enthusiastic Popeda fans arrived at the stadium right at 4 p.m., when the gates to the venue opened. Before six o’clock, heavy rains surprised the concert crowd and people had to escape from the rain in shelters and under canopies.

Malla and Mika from Turku went to hide in the bajamaja during the heavy rains. Atte Kajova

“A few others too”

Most of the people who came to the gig, however, knew how to prepare for the weather with appropriate equipment, and people had put on disposable raincoats and long-soled shoes.

The rain doesn’t seem to bother the gig crowd.

– If it rains, it rains. Good music makes it so that even the rain doesn’t hurt, who came to the gig from Turku An advantage ponders Iltalehte.

– Fortunately, we are not the only ones getting wet today. There are a few others here who feel the same, Eetu’s father Pass continues laughing.

Eetu and Pasi are not startled by the rain. Atte Kajova

Foreca’s on-call meteorologist Joanna Rinne confirms to Iltalehti that a large rain front has passed over Tampere.

– Fortunately, there is good luck in that the worst rains are just about to recede, Rinne tells Iltalehte.

According to Rinne, a few rain showers may occur in the Tampere region during the evening and early night. Popeda is scheduled to start his concert at 20:30.

– Right when Popeda starts his gig, it’s possible that something will still come from the sky. However, not the same amounts as earlier in the day, he continues.

Popeda fans may continue to spend the evening in Tampere’s nightlife as well. According to the forecast, this could already happen in significantly better weather.

– At the point when the taxis start taking people home at night, the weather becomes significantly less rainy. There are more deaf people in the evening and a little after midnight, Rinne concludes.

Esa told Iltalehte about his Popeda fandom. Atte Kajova
