The Weizsäcker honor was overdue

Richard-von-Weizsäcker-Platz was officially inaugurated in Schöneberg on Thursday. A comment from BZ text chief Konstantin Marrach.

Weizsäcker is undisputedly an important personality in Berlin and German history. In 2010 – five years before his death – I myself had the extraordinary honor of meeting the great statesman by chance for an interview in the Marzahn Gardens of the World. I will probably never forget this special moment.

Read about it The first emperor gives way in Schöneberg for Richard von Weizsäcker

However, there is a drop of bitterness. Because whether one should nullify one honor by another remains an open question. Kaiser-Wilhelm-Platz is now history.

There are also numerous places in Schöneberg – such as the meaningless Hauptstraße – which could have been renamed Richard-von-Weizsäcker-Straße in a more charming way.
