The Week of Drenthe: Local parties win in elections

This week, Drenthe was dominated by the municipal elections. The local parties emerged as the winner. A local party became the largest in every Drenthe municipality.

In the previous municipal elections, in 2018, a local party was the largest in ten municipalities. In Assen then ChristenUnie still became the largest party, but this time it is the city party PLOP. In Midden-Drenthe, Municipal Interests – BBBondgenoot has taken over as number one from the PvdA.

In Emmen, Wakker Emmen rises as the largest party from 11 to 15 seats. Mark Woltman, number 7 on that local party’s list, is feeling euphoric after the election results. Not only because of the seat win, but also because it means that he will be on the council together with his father.

Roelof Woltman has already served two terms in the Emmer city council and is pleased that his son is now following in his footsteps. “I don’t think it happens very often. It is often the case that one follows the other, but in this case it is working together.”

Reception of refugees

An insurance office, a church building, a livery stable. This week, the most diverse locations in our province were made suitable to receive Ukrainian refugees. In Beilen, volunteers have been busy all week in the building of the former doctor Nassaucollege. “There is still a lot to consider. Because you have to be able to receive people in a good way,” says Roelof Engbers of the municipality of Midden-Drenthe.

Herzlich Wilkommen

The German tourist is coming back to Drenthe and catering employees have to prepare for it with the help of a series of refresher courses. Jan Willem Melisse of Marketing Drenthe thinks it is important that all entrepreneurs in the leisure sector in the region speak relatively good German. “It is one area, one province. We want to tell one story in it. Speaking German is certainly part of that.”
