The Week of Drenthe: King’s Day and 22 billion compensation

It’s King’s Day week. Drenthe celebrates King Willem-Alexander’s birthday. And it is also the week that Groningen and North Drenthe receive 22 billion euros. But that is not a gift from the king.

Over the next 30 years, the cabinet will allocate 22 billion euros for the area in Groningen and North Drenthe in response to the consequences of years of natural gas extraction.

Stumbling stones were placed in Dwingeloo this week. It shows the names of deported Jews from the village. It concerns nine stumbling stones, or Stolpersteine, which lie in front of four addresses in the village.

But it was mainly the week of King’s Day, for which ribbons are awarded every year one day in advance. 81 this year in Drenthe.
