The watermelon diet or how to lose 4 kilos in 5 days

06/25/2023 at 10:10


The fruit with fewer calories and that has a lot of health benefits

exist diets that are designed to help you lose weight in a short period of time. Following any of these eating plans you can get lose a few kilosfeel less swollen and even eliminate that excess fluid that gives a feeling of heaviness.

The watermelon diet is one of those diets designed to lose weight in a few days thanks to the consumption of this diuretic and cleansing fruit, which helps our body to eliminate liquids and toxins that we do not need. It is very satiating, thanks to the fact that it is composed mostly of water and has a low amount of calories.

Besides It is rich in fiber and antioxidantswhich help slow aging and contains nutrients such as potassium, magnesium or calcium.

this diet focuses on making 5 meals, of which two of them will be based solely on the consumption of watermelon. The important is Do not make more than two meals exclusively based on watermelon and combine it with a variety of dishesbalanced and healthy and all the foods that are included in the menu must always cook without fat either steamed, grilled, baked or boiled.

How to do the watermelon diet

Breakfast: black coffee, tea or infusion + whole wheat toast with low-fat cheese (0%) + 1 slice of watermelon.

Midmorning: one or two slices of watermelon.

Meal: boiled vegetables + grilled beef fillet + unsweetened skimmed yoghurt.

Snack: a slice of watermelon (or more).

Dinner: vegetable soup + two slices of baked fish with lemon + unsweetened low-fat yogurt.

if you’re wondering how many kilos are lost with the watermelon dietWith this regimen you can lose up to 4 kilos in just 5 days. It is important that the eating plan do not exceed the marked days because extending it over time would have negative effects on our health. this diet responds to a punctual weight loss and can never be adopted as a way of life.

It is a fast diet, with which you will be able to eliminate liquids, but not fat. So before starting a diet to lose weight, it is best that you put in the hands of a doctor or specialist that is in charge of recommending the most suitable one for you.
