The war in Ukraine recounted in pictures

The exhibition organized by the Embassy of Ukraine and the Delegation of the European Union in Argentina, seeks to bring closer through photographic images the reality that Ukrainian families experience daily after the Russian invasion. The sample “War Diary“will be held in Legislature of the City of Buenos Airesfrom November 14 to 18, with free admission.

The exhibit, located at Peru 130, displays fifty photographs taken by Ukrainian and Latin American photojournalists who have been in the area since the war began or who are still on the ground. The public can attend the visual event from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Latin American still image artists include works by the Argentine Franco Fafasulithe Salvadorian Juan Carlos Y Ximena Barrazas From Uruguay. Native photographers from Ukraine will also present their field work, among which stand out Evgeniy Maloletka, Vlada Liberov and Kostiantyn Liberovy.

“Although Ukraine is not part of the European Union, is part of the European family. In this sense, since the beginning of the Russian invasion, the European Union strongly condemned the decision of the President Vladimir Putin and has supported its European partner politically, financially and militarily. In addition, it has established eight packages of individual and economic sanctions against Russia”, affirm the organizers of the sample.

The invitation made by the representative delegation of the European Union in Argentina states: “This exhibition is part of this European commitment to Ukraine. We are far in distance, but very close when it comes to defending democratic values ​​that promote a world based on rules and not on pecking order.”

Throughout the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st, international coverage was marked by the boom in war images in different media. Both war correspondents and photojournalism were necessary activities for information and communication from the place of events and within the battle context.

The Russian invasion, which occurred on February 24, 2022, and its consequent war conflict was no exception. Experienced and amateur photographers from all over the world decided to publicize his look, putting his life at risk.

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