The Vriezerbrug business park along the A28 in Tynaarlo is full. And now?

The Vriezerbrug business park along the A28 Tynaarlo is full. The municipality of Tynaarlo has sold the last lot. And now?

The municipality of Tynaarlo has sold the last piece of land on Vriezerbrug of over 10,000 square meters to Flexbouw Bedrijfsunits from Haren for 95 euros per square meter. They will build a multi-tenant business building on the Compagnonsweg, right along the A28 highway.

The Vriezerbrug is one of the oldest industrial estates in the municipality of Tynaarlo. In the 1970s, the first entrepreneurs settled on the plot of land sandwiched between the Noord-Willemskanaal and the A28. They mainly came from the then municipality of Vries.

White mold

Over the years, the business park has continued to expand and companies from outside the region have also settled there. This was mainly due to its favorable location right next to the highway. Not everyone was happy with the development of the so-called high-visibility location along the A28. The white warehouses and buildings along the highway were given the unflattering name ‘white mold’ by architects.

Now that all plots have been sold, the question arises as to where companies can establish themselves in Tynaarlo. The municipality still has plots in the Ter Borch business park along the A7 near Hoogkerk. There is now a Van der Valk hotel, McDonald’s and a crematorium there. An animal hospital and the Holland Casino will soon be located here. With the casino, Tynaarlo trumped the municipality of Groningen, which wanted the gambling palace near the Euroborg.

‘We are full’

“Ter Borch is the only place in the municipality where we still have plots for sale. The rest of our business park is more or less full,” says Alderman Jurryt Vellinga of Tynaarlo. He says he will not be looking for new industrial estates for the time being. “There must also be a need for this. It took a very long time before we sold the last lot on the Vriezerbrug. And our coalition agreement states that we will not develop any new industrial estates in the coming years.”
