The Voice of Finland song collection brings Heikki Paasonen to tears

A touching moment is seen in The Voice of Finland competition.

He found his way from theft to The Voice of Finland competition Iiro Hynninen36, gets the tear ducts open in the studio.

Before the performance, Hynninen opens up about how he got to know his inner self about four years ago.

– I found out what I want to do and what things bring me joy. If I can bring joy to others through my performance, then why not bring it this way, Iiro said into the mic.

In the episode, Hynnin sings a song by the band Sinitaivas to the star coaches For each other. All the star coaches end up turning their chairs around and Hynninen gets a standing ovation.

Iiro Hynninen. Four

Hynninen bursts into tears star coach Toni Wirtanen praising him.

– Sipe, I said just now and I’ll say it again: Now we have a storyteller on board. And that was the storytelling we turned to. The world is full of everything in the world, but we need stories here.

– Culture like culture, stories run through our genetics at the cellular level. It’s good that you came to tell us about them, Toni says and makes Iiro swallow tears of emotion.

Elastinen agrees with Wirtanen’s words.

– I agree with what Toni said: This was storytelling. It shows that you know what you are singing.

After her performance, Hynnin ran into the back room to hug her little daughter, who was watching the show with the program’s host Heikki Paasonen. Paasonen, like Hynnien, broke down in tears.

– No joke, I need something like this too, Heikki says moved, digs out a handkerchief and hands Hynninen’s daughter a handkerchief as well.

Finally, Hynninen and Paasonen hug each other.

The Voice of Finland on Nelose and Ruudu on Fridays and Sundays at 8 p.m.
