The Voice back yet? ‘RTL wants to gauge reactions with Senior season’

It is still not clear whether RTL 4 will ever continue with The Voice of Holland and its spin-offs. Has the format suffered too much image damage or is there still something possible?

© William Rutten

Television expert Ron Vergouwen expects RTL 4 to make a first step next year, in 2023. “I suspect that RTL will bring it back in the long run. It will certainly not happen in 2022, but I expect that they will gauge the reactions with a short season of The Voice Senior next year,” he says in Televizier.

abuse scandal

It remains a very attractive format for RTL, according to Ron. He points out that the format has not yet been worked out, also because of the good viewing figures abroad. “The format still scores very well worldwide, the abuse scandal has barely affected that.”

However, RTL 4 is now for the first time in a TV season without The Voice. However, the channel is firmly aiming for the renewed Holland’s Got Talent. Ron is very curious about that. “I am very curious about the renewed Holland’s Got Talent”, he says.

Marc-Marie acquisition

Holland’s Got Talent could ease the pain of the Voice scandal, according to Ron. “On the basis of the promos alone, Marc-Marie Huijbregts on the jury seems to me to be a good addition. Edson da Graça is also a surprising name. And the question is whether Buddy Vedder comes into his own as a presenter.”

Ron doubts Buddy. “Last season he was regarded as the promise of RTL. He’s definitely a talent, but it didn’t really show up in Deal or no deal. Who knows, he may find the right format this season.”

To miss

One thing is certain: if The Voice returns, the program will have had a major break. “You have to give viewers the opportunity to miss a program. Farmer Seeks Woman does that very conveniently: there is always about a year and a half between each season, so you can really look forward to it.”

That also applies to Millions Hunt, he says. “All eyes are on Linda de Mol’s comeback this fall. Not only because of her private circumstances, but also because we just feel like having the suitcases again on Sunday evening.”
