The virus remains among us, vigilance is advised | news item

News item | 19-04-2022 | 14:10

On March 15, we said goodbye to most of the measures. This has not yet led to additional pressure on healthcare. Still, the virus is not gone. This autumn we can expect a revival in the number of infections, or a new contagious variant may emerge. So it is important to remain vigilant.

For the time being, the basic measures will therefore remain in force: stick to hygiene measures such as coughing and sneezing in the elbow, wash your hands regularly, stay home in case of complaints and provide plenty of fresh air. And of course the urgent advice remains to get vaccinated and – if advised – to get a repeat shot. The urgent insulation advice of at least five days in the event of a positive self-test is also retained. RIVM has announced that it will investigate whether the isolation period can be shortened. The obligation to face masks at the airport after security and on the plane continues to exist. This has been agreed internationally.

From Wednesday 20 April, a number of existing advice will be further relaxed. For example, the urgent quarantine advice is no longer available for everyone, but vigilance is still required when you have been around someone who is infected with COVID-19. People who enter the Netherlands no longer need a health certificate. The self-test advice immediately after arrival and on the fifth day after arrival also lapses for travelers.

There was still a mouth cap advice in places where it is busy, but this will also be cancelled. Of course, people who are concerned about their health can still wear a mask.
