The Vin Company | News

How do you see the local wine market in the area of ​​communication?

We consider that the challenge is to unite the producer with the consumer, providing a quality experience. Faced with the great offer and diversity of wine labels that exist in the market, it is key for wineries to establish a communication and positioning circuit that allows them to differentiate their products, providing them with their own identity that attracts the consumer and places their product in the segment. wanted.

What are the most effective tools for wineries?

We highlight the strategic importance of communication in wine events. From representation at fairs to the organization of customized events, a comprehensive and specialized approach is key that boosts the visibility of wineries in these scenarios.

Representation at events and fairs, as well as the organization of tastings and tastings, is crucial, since it is often the consumer’s first contact with the brand. They are spaces that also allow you to obtain information on trends in the sector as well as first-hand feedback on the product.

How does The Vin company approach the representation of wineries?

We provide comprehensive support, adapting the winery’s message to different audiences, highlighting the unique aspects of each wine project.

We act as a link between the winery and the organizers. We take care of incorporating the brand’s products into relevant events, ensuring an effective presentation. The fair is a crucial showcase; For this reason, we manage the logistics, assembly and communication of the stand, guaranteeing that the value chain is taken care of and that the winery stands out among the competition.

How do they add value to communication to build consumer loyalty?

Effective communication in tastings and tastings not only attracts new consumers, but also builds loyalty among existing ones. At The Vin Company we are a team of interdisciplinary sommeliers passionate about the world of wine, we take care of the presentation, transmit the history of the winery and ensure that each interaction is memorable.

The quality of communication in these contexts directly impacts brand perception and the possibility of converting consumers into loyal customers.

Contact information:

Instagram @thevincompany

E-mail [email protected]

WhatsApp +54 9 11 5826-1812


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