The “Viidako tähdet” competitor already annoyed the other participants – He is not everyone’s favorite himself: “Blackmail”

Mona Bling can’t stand Joni Hesselgren’s constant presence.

The reality of yesteryear returns to the program today Starlings of the jungle in exchange for As the stars of the jungle. A small tweak to the name has been made, because half of the competitors are now men. Among them is a social media influencer Joni Hesselgren. Even before the start of the series, he has annoyed his fellow competitor in an interview with Iltalehti.

– I thought, what are they doing here? I would have done a better casting. I could have found many better people to replace them, he shot.

For some, the feeling is mutual: not everyone is Joninkaa’s fan. In the opening episode, a journalist expresses his opinion about his teammate Mona Bling.

– If you read my face, you can see how much it annoys me. Joni is not silent for a second.

Shirly Karvinen hosts Viidako’s stars. Discovery

And indeed, watching Mona’s expressions, her feelings really shine through. Mona rolls her eyes.

– We have a Joni circus. Can I have a moment of peace here? Mona asks after the first night.

He is equipped with earplugs, but Joni’s voice has still been heard clearly.

– I haven’t slept at all. It’s a bit tight, Mona admits.

Joni has a reputation for being a contradictory person. He recently ended up in court, where the Youtube videos published by him, a fellow tubetista, were condemned Janne from Naaka. Joni was sentenced to pay thousands of euros in compensation.

In the Suomitube series, on the other hand, Joni Hesselgren was described as a terrible bully.

Joni Hesselgren has participated in the reality series once before. At that time it was Big Brother Finland. Discovery

In addition to Mona and Joni, the artist dj will compete in the Thai jungle Amanda Harkimomedia personality Iida Ketolaartist Jaanika “Janely” Leinoa piper Jesse Sarkkinenmodel Kelly Kalonjicontent creator Ibrahim “Iba” Manzareality star Henrik “Henkka” Mykrä and influencer Jeffrey Lawman. The plot of the series Shirly Karvinen.

Mona Bling would like Joni Hesselgren to shut up sometimes. Discovery

The stars of Viidako today on TV5 at 21:00 & Discovery+. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
