The victim of abuse by ex-husband Mónica Oltra

Stumbling from one place to another, so soon sleeping in an abandoned ship, without electricity or water, together with his two little –the oldest of 16 months and the other, newborn–, like spending a few days in a hotel with a swimming pool, until ending up spending the night last night, after literally running out of aid money, inside an Audi A3 in a parking lot of a tourist complex – the children managed to leave them at a relative’s house.

This is the life of a broken toy, the young victim of abuse whose initial story in 2017 –she didn’t even want to tell it– against an educator from the center where she was under guardianship gave rise to the case against Mónica Oltra’s ex-husband, who has finally cost the resignation of the one who was vice-president of the Consell for the investigation into the Ministry of Inclusive Policies that he directed for allegedly trying to hide the aforementioned continued abuse of the minor for which Luis Eduardo RI has been sentenced to five years in prison (sentence confirmed by the TSJ but pending the Supreme Court).

A complaint filed last Friday afternoon with the Civil Guard warning of the supposed risk that the two children of the young woman runin which serious facts about the food and health situation of the minors are reported, has activated a search by the agents to try to locate the couple and corroborate the state of the children while Social Services analyzes the possible abandonment of the same.

“I fear that they will take the children away from me, that they will separate them from me, I do not want them to go through the same thing that I have gone through, I know what it is like to go through there and nothing good happens,” the young woman confessed after being located this Saturday by Levante-EMV, a newspaper that belongs to the Prensa Ibérica group like EL PERIÓDICO.

Both she and her partner are 20 years old, neither of them works and they currently have no known address, so they are aware of the difficulties in taking care of their two children, the little one born on July 12 and who still hasn’t even is registered in the Civil Registry, as they themselves recognize.

The mother blames not having registered the baby yet due to blood clots she had during quarantine. There is also no evidence that she has taken him to any medical center for check-ups. “I haven’t been to the midwife either,” she explains, although she insists that the two children are in perfect health and well fed. “I’m afraid to go to the doctor and have them removed, but if I see that it gets bad, rest assured that I’ll take it right away, no matter what happens,” says the young woman.

The victim, protected by the Generalitat since she was 4 years old, fears that they will take away her little ones and end up like her. “I don’t want them to go through the same thing I’ve been through”

Both parents understand that if Social Services adopts a measure for lack of protection and withdraws the guardianship of their children, it is far from being an issue related to the abuse case that ultimately cost Oltra her job. “I know they don’t want to take them away from me because of who I am,” points out the victim, who admits that they had reasons for it months ago – although he denies that it was his responsibility – when the eldest tested positive for cocaine and they found traces of THC, the main active ingredient of cannabis, after taking him to the Paterna health center because he had a high fever. The parents argue that he would have had access to the drug by leaving it at the house of some friends.

This episode is also included in the complaint filed by a second cousin with whom they have been living in a squatted house in Camp de Morvedre from August 8 until last Tuesday, when both young women argued.

The complainant assures that the reason was that she blamed them for neglecting the minors, after leaving all day outside and returning at night without food for the children. However, the mother maintains that they argued over the money from the donations received, upon discovering that she was keeping part of the money from the aid that she received from Bizum.

“Their job is to ask for money on Twitter and then they spend it on clothes and motorcycles,” says Félix, who has also lived with the couple. They acknowledge that they have managed to raise 1,000 euros in a week, “although there were months that you were without any income,” they argue. “We want the money for my children, so that they do not lack anything,” says Pedro.

An interested help?

Despite the fact that for a time they have obtained an economic benefit and it could be thought that the fact of being the victim of the abuse of Oltra’s ex-husband would have helped her, the young woman says that she has thought many times that she should not have reported it. “I feel that because of that I have screwed up my life”, although at the same time she feels proud of having recounted the abuses she suffered from this educator because “I know that I have stopped it and that after me it has not been done to others.”

The victim recalls that she was always reluctant to denounce, it was even difficult to take her to trial, leading to one of the most questionable moments, when she was taken to the courtroom in handcuffs. It is the story of this young woman, supervised by the Generalitat since he was 4 years oldand to which it is being investigated if the institutions did not give credibility or support, as reflected in the judicial decisions of the case and the records of the Prosecutor’s Office of the current case.

And to whom others later, while Oltra’s head was at stake, was promised a job and a house in Madrid. “I feel that they have used me and then they have left me lying”sentence.

The young woman has distanced herself from those who have taken legal representation on her part, the lawyers linked to the extreme right José Luis Roberto and Cristina Seguí, who continue to carry the accusation in the case with 14 defendants, including the former vice president of the Consell.

They denounce the boyfriend for trying to stick a screwdriver

The problems accumulate for this couple and in addition to the possibility that their children will be taken away from them, the young woman has pending a case for fraud and false documentation and her boyfriend has now been denounced for an attempted assault with a knife.

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According to the complaint, after the discussion on August 23, and once his partner had left, the young man would have taken a screwdriver and would have tried to nail it to the alleged cousin, who is pregnant.

The defendant argues that he was repairing a motorcycle and that he simply had the tool in his hand but that at no time did he threaten her or try to attack her.
