The Valencian invented by the Generalitat of PP and Vox: ‘eixecució’, ‘proyectes’, ‘peixcadors’…

Under the pretext of the PSOE’s commitment to promoting the use of the co-official languages ​​in Congress, the PP and Vox have once again raised the banner of linguistic conflict giving wings to the theses that deny that Catalan and Valencian are two denominations of the same language. The latest example was given this Wednesday by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Generalitat Valenciana, directed by the extreme right, with two messages on the social network X (formerly Twitter) in which he uses invented words in Valencian to distinguish them from the vocabulary recognized by the Valencian Language Academy (AVL), defender of the unity of the language.

When reporting the official agenda of the ‘minister’ of Agriculture, of Vox, the following can be read: ‘José Luis Aguirre analyze in the Grup Tragsa l’execution of projects in March‘ and ‘José Luis Aguirre tackles in the confraries of peixcadors the situation of the sector in the Valencian Community’. The messages have received countless comments from users outraged by the inclusion of words in a supposed Valencian that are not recognized in the AVL dictionary.

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This alternative vocabulary to the normative Valencian of the AVL, entity that in 2005 ruled that the denomination of Valencianwhich dates from the 15th century, is the way of calling the variant of Catalan that is spoken in the Valencian Community, but that both names define the same language. The opinion of this institution, created in 2001 under the Government of Eduardo Zaplana and statutorily recognized as the only academic authority on Valencian, refuted the secessionist theses of entities such as Royal Academy of Valencian Culture (RACV), which defend the independence of Valencian with respect to Catalan, promoting the existence of a different vocabulary, grammar and spelling than the official ones.

In 2006, with the reform of the Valencian Statute agreed upon by the PP and the PSPV, the Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua acquired the rank of a statutory institution of the Generalitat and the only regulatory body for Valencian, so that from that moment on its language provisions are “mandatory application in all public administrations of the Valencian Community”, which includes the ‘conselleries’ of the regional Executive.
