The Valencian Community, the first Autonomous Community to be able to see medical records from European countries

02/03/2022 at 18:39


The Valencian Community It will be the first autonomy in Spain in joining the European Electronic Medical Record project that will allow healthcare providers throughout the EU to access a summary of the clinical history of European citizens to facilitate health careespecially the unscheduled.

This was announced this morning in Valencia by the Minister of Health, Carolina Darias, after visiting the Clinical Hospital of Valencia together with the President of the Generalitat, Ximo Puig, sincehe department of the Clínico-Malvarrosa is the first where it will be implanted this European electronic health record.

The program is still taking its first steps since it sIt is only fully operational in Portugal, but it is already in the testing process in France and “in June 2022 other countries such as Malta or the Czech Republic, Croatia or Luxembourg will enter,” as explained by Darias.

“When a patient moves to one of these countries or vice versa, with the prior consent of the professional can access your clinic history and will allow you to see if you have allergies or know the treatment you have. This European project places the Valencian Community and Spain at the forefront”, assured Darias. It will be a tool to “travel more safely to Europe, since professionals will have the ability to act more quickly and efficiently”, according to pointed out the president of the Generalitat, Ximo Puig.

When a patient travels to one of these countries or vice versa, with prior consent, the professional can access their medical history and will allow them to see if they have allergies or know what treatment they have.

European Patient Overview

Within this project, the European Medical Record also allows patients to download a European Patient Summary in English and take it with them when they travel through Europe and present it if necessary. In C. Valenciana, this option is already operational and since May 2021, 16,546 of these reports have been downloaded, according to sources from the Ministry of Health.

Visit to Faith

Darias presented the project at the Ciutat de les Arts y les Ciencies after visiting the reopened vaccination center at the Príncipe Felipe Museum, but this morning he also visited the facilities of the La Fe hospital and the site where one of the ten proton therapy equipments will be installed that the Amancio Ortega Foundation donated to Spain in October of last year.

In this regard, the minister recalled that other high-tech equipment will also be assigned to the department of Faith thanks to the 81 million that the Generalitat Valenciana has received from the INVEAT plan, nourished by European funds, and which aims to rupgrade high-tech equipment health with 740 million investment throughout Spain.

“We have visited a linear accelerator that treats 600 patients a year. With the new equipment that amount is going to increase by 30%”, but the quality of care is also going to improve because it increases the “precision of the treatments, it is going to allow intervention in early stages” of “oncological, neurological or rare diseases”.


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