The US rules out terrorist activity in the explosion of a vehicle at a crossing on the border with Canada near Niagara Falls

USA has lived a few hours of anxiety this Wednesday after the Vehicle explosion at a border crossing with Canada near the Niagara Falls, in which they have both occupants of the car died, but fear dissipates that it was an incident linked to the terrorism.

Although the investigation into the incident at the Rainbow Bridge, which connects Niagara Falls in Ontario with New York, is ongoing, at an afternoon press conference in Buffalo the Governor Kathy Hochul has assured that ““There is no evidence that this was terrorist activity.”

By the time the Democrat appeared before the press, there had already been three of the four border crossings reopened which the American and Canadian authorities had decided to close as a precaution after the vehicle explosion, which also resulted in border agent slightly injuredwho was quickly discharged after receiving treatment at a hospital.


Hochul wanted to emphasize that the investigation is still underway. He also did not want to talk about what happened as an “accident”, since the causes that led to the explosion of the vehicle, which was driven by a resident of the area who has not been publicly identified and who, according to the governor, are still unknown, are still unknown. led to high speed“.

Mike Guenther, a witness to what happened who was interviewed by local television, explained that he saw the car speeding towards the border checkpoint. The driver, Guenther said, lost control after maneuvering to try to avoid another car and apparently hit a fence, after which an explosion was heard and flames began to be seen. “Then suddenly she flew into the air and was a fireball 9.12 meters high“.

Another witness interviewed by ‘The New York Times’, Rickie Wilson, also said that he saw the car hit a cement barrier and rise before crashing into one of the booths where vehicles are inspected. “Sounds crazy but the car was in the air, and not three feet from the ground; It was something like what you see in hollywood“.

Images of the car flying before crashing and exploding can be seen in a video obtained by MSNBC.


Hochul’s appearance has calmed anxiety and has also put an end to speculation, which had skyrocketed since news of the incident became known. In the chain FoxNews, For example, for hours since the explosion, one of its reporters has claimed, citing anonymous sources from law enforcement agencies, that it was a attempted terrorist attack and that there was explosives in the vehicle, although hours later the channel has clarified its information. Other media, however, have explained from the beginning, also citing anonymous sources, that The preliminary investigation had not detected explosives in the car.

The Canadian authorities had expressly asked to avoid speculation, despite the initial confusion due to the lack of data. This is what he did in a press conference Minister of Public Safety of Canada, Dominic LeBlancwho initially did not want to detail the origin of the vehicle, explaining that law enforcement agencies had received ““contradictory information” and speaking of a situation that was changing “at great speed.”

Also, the FBI office in Buffalo, when it reported on its social networks that it was investigating the “explosion”, did not provide more specific information, explaining that the situation was “very fluid“.

Related news

President Joe Biden, which is since this Tuesday in Nantucket (Massachusetts) to pass the thanksgiving party, was informed about the incident, according to the White House. In Canada, meanwhile, the Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau explained in an appearance before the House of Commons shortly after the explosion that there were Many questions“about the incident but stressed that the authorities of the two countries were cooperating and taking up the issue”extraordinarily seriously.”

The Federal Aviation Administration has taken the decision of close the Buffalo airport to all international flights, both departure and arrival, after the explosion on the bridge. Security measures have also been increased at the airport and other transportation stations and Amtrakthe railway company, has temporarily suspended your service between New York and Canada.
