The United States wants to create “swarms of drones” for its navy

10/25/2022 at 10:20


Drones are becoming one more weapon to consider

The United States wants to equip its fleets with “swarms of drones”

The War in Ukraine is causing armies around the world to start arming themselves in a worrying way. The United States, which has always had a gigantic military, seems poised to innovate even more, this time in its navy.

Thus, they plan their fleets to be equipped with swarms of thousands of drones to launch against enemy fleets to disable their defenses and thus make it easier to beat them according to documents collected by the MIT newspaper.

The idea of ​​it being a swarm stems from the need for just one operator to handle all of them at once. Something that until now was really complicated, since each drone would require an operator and it would be unaffordable for the army to have them all accompanying the fleet. In this way, it seems that the situation is going to change on the high seas when it comes to adding a new device that can cause great problems for its enemies.

The conflict in Ukraine has shown the enormous utility of dronesincluding the little ones. Even so, those that have caused the greatest havoc have been the drones the size of a small plane, which have strategically bombed the enemy positions of both sides.
