The united people who get on the carousel: so Napoli-Sassuolo is already sold-out!

The latest on Napoli-Sassuolo tickets

The success that Napoli is experiencing this season has obviously involved the people, who wants to participate more and more (certainly also contradicting the self of 3 months ago ed) to this moment in which everything seems to expire in the correct direction. Almost all the home games were played with a full house at Maradona and Napoli-Sassuolo will be no exception, which will take place on Saturday at 3 pm. Qatar.

Will Napoli-Sassuolo be yet another sold-out? The latest on tickets

Giovanni Di Lorenzo (Getty Images)

These are the prices of the tender originally:

Posillipo stand € 85.00

Grandstand Family Adult € 10.00 / € 5.00 (under 12)

Tickets are literally selling like hot cakes: according to some estimates, only a few tickets from the Tribuna Nisida and the lower Distinguished ones. A total success for the De Laurentiis family following a very dry two-year period in terms of economic implications for stadium attendances. He certainly helped the Champions League too, with 3 sold-outs in a few months against Liverpool, Ajax and Rangers.
