The uncomfortable silence of the leaders of La Libertad Avanza in the face of the assassination attempt

Due to the assassination attempt suffered yesterday by the vice president Cristina Kirchner, representatives of the entire political arc repudiated the fact in their social networks. But not so the main referents of freedom advancesthe liberal party led by Javier Milei Y Victoria Villaruel did not issue an opinion or statement at the close of this note (11AM). But Javier Milei registers on his Twitter account the support for the president of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro for him “new attack from the left”.

Most of the members of Libertad Avanza avoided speaking out. The Buenos Aires legislator Rebecca Fleitas he did refer to the fact, but not with a repudiation, but rather questioning the national holiday that the president declared for today Albert Fernandez.

The Integration and Development Movement (MID) which is part of the front freedom advances, yes he repudiated the fact. As well as its leader Juan Pablo Carrique:

by RN

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