The Tverskoy court arrested the second detainee after a US request for a hacker – RBC

The Tverskoy Court of Moscow arrested Andrei Bessonov, who is suspected of participating in the REvil hacker group, for two months, the press service of the court told RBC. Bessonov will remain under arrest until March 13.

Earlier, the court arrested hacker Roman Muromsky from the same group for two months. They are suspected of illegal circulation of means of payment as part of an organized group (part 2 of article 187 of the Criminal Code). Together with Bessonov, they face up to seven years in prison.

Moscow’s Tverskoy Court arrests FSB detainee after US request for hacker

REvil participants attacked the information resources of foreign companies, the US authorities told the Russian FSB. They sent viruses to organizations, encrypted data, and extorted money to decrypt data.

REvil hacker group liquidated in Russia after US request


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