The turn of the Bachelor 2022 surprise first made Tuomas uncertain

Tuomas Lahti, 32, set out to find a partner and the love of his life in the descriptions of the program.

Tuomas, who is looking for love, considers authenticity, openness and honesty to be his strengths in human relationships. In his opinion, even difficult things need to be able to be talked about directly. INKA SOVERI

– There was quite a feeling in one direction and another, says the 32-year-old Tuomas Lahti.

He is the second love-seeking dream boy in the Bachelor 2022 program. The giant surprise of the season was revealed as early as February, before even the first episode of the dating show was televised – there are two bachelors.

The culmination of tonight’s episode was seen when Tuomas arrived to mix the pack. Singles received knowledge accompanied by screams of disbelief and joy.

Tuomas tells Iltalehti that he joined the format for two reasons.

– Of course, this is a unique opportunity. The fact that you get to make a telly and see what that whole thing is. This will probably not be met for the second time, it would have been crazy to miss the opportunity.

– The second wish was for the best possible luck to be found and for a partner and the love of life to be found.

Tuomas says that the life situation before the filming was favorable for finding love.

– The situation of an adult was very stable and a bit boring. He had found a suitable place for himself in terms of work and career. Once that foundation pillar is in order, there has been time and energy to focus on the rest as well.

– There have been hobbies, dating and an insanely smooth and peaceful life. A little too much, Bachelor sighs.

The descriptions of the program were a unique experience for Tuomas, and within the format, feelings also varied from side to side.

– If you thought in advance and were skeptical whether you can find a life partner here, what kind of women Casting has finally chosen – that suspicion fortunately quickly disappeared during the trip.

Thomas even describes his desires for love as clichéd.

– I’m looking for a best friend. I am also looking for a smart, conversational person with whom it is easy to talk about even the most difficult topics. On the other hand, there’s another one with which humor bumps in that it’s fun to be together. When these two sides are found, I think we are in a really good model, he sums up.

Tuomas, who is athletic and enjoys rugby, says he is a family-oriented person.

– I have always felt that I want children at some point, if possible. I don’t know exactly why, but I’ve thought from an early age that I want kids. It has been clear to me for a long time.

In the evening of this evening, the women were always surprised when Tuomas arrived. MTV3

The turn of surprise highlighted the uncertainties

One of the things that caused the roller coaster of emotions was that the bachelors looking for love are involved this time in two songs.

– When I found out that there are two of us, I really wrestled with myself and wondered if I could go here and if I could. How do I compare to that other type and can I do it? With my own uncertainties, I wrestled pretty much.

It didn’t take long for Tuomas to come to the conclusion that a surprise turn is just a good thing.

– I started to get excited more and more. That mixes the pack and maybe ventilates it in a good way. It also gives women a slightly fairer situation that they have at least one type of choice, the man sums up.

Tuomas says that although the spirit of competition occasionally raises its head in other areas of life, this was not the case in the descriptions. The involvement of two bachelors also brought clarity to the surprising situation and difficult choices.

– If you are second, it is a sign that the woman in question would not have been right for me.

– Although, of course, it’s a competitive situation and it thinks about how I’m doing and what women think about that other guy. The foremost thing in mind was to give yourself a chance to get to know those women and see where it leads when you follow your own feelings and don’t think too much that there is another man here.

Tuomas Lahti, 32, is the second bachelor seeking love in the Bachelor 2022 program.
