The truth behind the blob pattern at the BVG

The BVG capitulates with its seat patterns to people who smear the upholstery, says BZ editor Oliver Ohmann

The BVG capitulates with its seat patterns to people who smear the upholstery, says BZ editor Oliver Ohmann Photo: picture alliance/dpa / BZ assembly

By Oliver Ohmann

There is a new fabric design at BVG. A comment from BZ editor Oliver Ohmann.

The blobs are now symbolic of diversity. That’s a nice idea from the public transport department’s PR department.

But why do the blob patterns even exist? They exist because there are people who daub seats. Here they capitulated in public.

I don’t blame the BVG for that, because the damage caused by daubing, slashing and spraying is enormously high, even with a smudge pattern. Subway seats used to be leather, but that was a long time ago.

To all young hacks (and they are often young): you don’t make your world more beautiful, you make it uglier. You still haven’t understood what coexistence is all about. You want attention, but you’d rather learn an instrument, read a book, do sports. Think about it!


