The true condition of Queen Elizabeth is to be concealed

The participation of Queen Elizabeth in a memorial service in honor of Prince Philip has been thoroughly planned, British media reports.

Queen Elizabeth now represents far less often than before. aop

The health of Queen Elizabeth, 95, has been of concern to many recently. The monarch has had to cancel many of his representations to appease himself.

Queen Elizabeth fell ill with her corona in late February. The queen’s symptoms were described as mild and flu-like.

He is currently in the throes of a secret operation by the British Court to ensure that Elisabeth will be able to attend a memorial service for her husband, Prince Philip, next week. Philip died on April 9, 2021. The prince is scheduled to be commemorated at a large memorial service at Westminster Abbey Church on Tuesday, March 29th.

It is known that Elizabeth is not able to move very well at the moment. According to British publications, the Queen currently relies on a wheelchair. However, the queen does not want to be represented in public in a wheelchair, British media say. He has tried to move his foot as much as possible.

Prince Philip died last year at the age of 99. AOP

According to sources, one reason Elisabeth does not want to appear in a wheelchair is the fate of her sister, Princess Margaret. Known for her elegance, Margaret was immortalized in poor condition at the 101st anniversary of Queen Elizabeth in August 2001. Margaret had suffered several strokes.

The image of Margaret in poor condition, spread like wildfire, has haunted the minds of the royals. The poor condition of the princess shocked the world. About six months later, Margaret died at the age of 71.

This image of Princess Margaret once spread like wildfire. AOP

Sources tell of a plan to fly Elizabeth from Windsor Castle to Buckingham Palace. He would then be driven by car to Westminster Abbey.

High visions or a tunnel could be erected in the courtyard of the church, along which the monarch would pass into the church. Alternatively, Elisabeth would be waiting on site before the audience arrives. Usually, of course, he arrives last.

Elizabeth at Windsor Castle on February 16, 2022.

Source: The Sun. and Daily Mail
