the true and the false – iO Woman

L‘homeopathy is an “unconventional” treatment system, based on the principle: “Like cures like”. This means that a substance responsible for the appearance of ailments in healthy people can help heal the same symptoms in sick people. April 10on the anniversary of the birth of its founder, Samuel Hahnemann, is celebrated the World Homeopathy Day. Today, although it is used for the treatment of numerous diseasesas theHigher Institute of Health: “There are no scientific studies of good quality that demonstrate its effectiveness”. So how to orient yourself?

What it heals, what it does not cure

«Homeopathy is a sweet medicine, because it does not cause any intoxication and cures by stimulating the body to defend itself, neither replacing it nor using suppressive mechanisms. It is based on the centrality of the person and therefore of the patient. It is not only the what that matters, but the who also matters a lot. It is methodologically different from traditional medicine: the allopathic doctor, in fact, tends to think by protocols. It can be prescribed in all diseases pertaining to internal medicine. Be careful though, cannot cure: pathologies of surgical relevance and serious infections. For example, in the presence of bacterial pneumonia, antibiotics should be given. It also does not cure oncological diseases. It can only be supportive and coaching care, in support of the patient who undergoes cancer therapy “, explains the Doctor Marco LombardozziSurgeon, specialist in homeopathy and bioenergetic psychotherapy and authors of numerous books.

The dilution process

Among the fundamental principles of homeopathy, there is the dilution and “dynamization” process, called succussion. “Medicines homeopathic derive from substances of vegetable, animal, mineral and they are prepared in the form of sublingual blood cells, drops, creams, mother tinctures or pills. Homeopaths believe that the more diluted a substance is, the greater its activity in curing ailments. Many homeopathic medicines start from substances that have been diluted so many times not to contain any, or almost none of the original substances», Highlights the Istituto Superiore di Sanità.

The homeopathic doctor

«The homeopath must have a medical degreehaving attended a specialization course, carried out a period of practice and be registered in the register of doctors. The visit with a homeopath generally consists of an interview in which the doctor, in addition to asking for information on specific health conditions, it also inquires about the perception of general well-being, emotional state, lifestyle and diet. The treatments are “personalized” on individual peopleand it is not uncommon for individuals with different health problems to be prescribed the same homeopathic medicines », continues the Istituto Superiore di Sanità.

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Homeopathic medicines

«We often hear that homeopathic treatment is slow, it isn’t. The concept of homeopathy is based on removal of the cause of the disease, and not on the suppression of the symptom. Homeopathic medicines have AIC official status (identification code for medicinal products for human use, number attributed by the Italian Medicines Agency when authorizing their marketing in Italy) and are recognized byAIFA. They are found only in pharmacies and are presented either in tubes containing granules that must not be touched with the hands and dissolve in the mouth, or in hydroalcoholic solutions and then administered in drops. It must be remembered that the homeopathic drug is however a medicine and it must be prescribed only by the doctor since it can produce various types of reactions in the organism with even harmful consequences », concludes Dr. Lombardozzi.

