the trompe l’oeil campaign

When Pedro Sanchez decided to fight the hangover the electoral defeat of 28-M prescribing a new dose of choices (‘hair of the dog’, the English call that), we were all more or less clear that this was not going to be a normal campaign. It could not be, as less than two months elapsed after the previous appointment with the polls and also in the heat of summer. Of course, normality is an illusion and, as Morticia Addams said, what is normal for a spider is chaos for a fly, but you understand me: let’s see which party is capable of keeping its supporters mobilized for so long in a row and with temperatures of 45 degrees. Something had to be invented.

The opening performance ‘Blue summer’ which starred the PP spokesman Borja Semper on a ‘fake’ beach in Madrid fueled our hopes of experiencing a sandunguera campaign, with candidates in flip-flops, rallies in beach bars and planes dropping inflatable balls with the party logos, but that was just a mirage. In fact, the most summery image we have seen these days – that of a politician with serious problems applying sun cream correctly. sharing a yacht ride with “a smuggler& rdquor; (a drug smuggler, to be more specific) – was taken almost 30 years ago.

Those responsible for designing electoral campaigns have missed the possibilities offered by the station and things have ended up being the same as always with more heat and fewer people. In Catalonia, the script has been practically identical for all the candidates: in the morning, a meeting with the press and a visit to an emerging technology company or an agricultural cooperative representative of “the problems of the sector& rdquor;; in the afternoon, never before seven o’clock, the usual meeting in a shaded space or, in the best of cases, in a closed area with good air conditioning. Of course, always before audiences pulling discreet. If a campaign is, as they say, a conversation between the parties and the citizenson this occasion they must have spoken on WhatsApp.

the drill

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In the end, the only element of that promising appearance on the beach by Sémper that has ended up permeating the entire campaign has been its mock condition. Lie, definitely. Without our knowing it then, the imposture of that tipper arena and that sea of ​​trompe l’oeil were announcing to us that, once the starting gun had been fired, the truth ceased to matter and the best positioned candidate was going to be the one with the most media willing to endorse their fictions.

For much of the campaign, that seemed to be Alberto Núñez Feijóobut now there are those who maintain that the popular candidate perhaps got into the water of inaccuracies too soon, without waiting the mandatory two hours after eating, and is exposed for it to suffer a cut of digestion. Summer, as you know, is full of dangers.
