The Trocks are back! The Italian dates of the male dance company

Noborn off-off-Broadway in 1974 Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo (or more simply Trocks) is a company of dancers of the highest level entirely made up of men, who know how to combine impeccable technique and irrepressible comedy.

Their shows are not a parody but an intelligent and ironic reinterpretation of classical balletaccentuating with affection, irony and intelligence the most iconic features of classical ballet, the most common accidents, the hysteria of the most famous étoiles…

Irony is accompanied by an impeccable technique in a dance show curated to perfection, performed by dancers who, without apparent effort and difficulty, they twirl on giant pointe shoes with their sometimes solid masculine physiques wrapped up in airy tutus.

Three members of the Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo company, the Trocks (photo by Zoran Jelenic).

They play all possible roles, turning into swans, sylphs, water spritesromantic princesses, bumbling princes or anguished Victorian ladies, thus enhance and celebrate the spirit of dance as an art form, delighting the spectators.

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During the Italian tour (which begins on April 13 in Aosta at the Splendor Theater) they perform some of their classics such as Swan Lake Act II, Go for Baroque, Vivaldi Suite, Paquita but in each representation there are two surprise numbers.


For the other European tour dates:

