The triumphant return of Donald Trump

For the many who hate him, Donald Trump embodies absolute evil. They see him as a diabolical being. When Joe Biden defeated him in the 2020 presidential elections, these characters celebrated what they believed was his political death but, to his dismay, the “orange man” whom Javier Milei admires so much did not allow himself to be buried.

Since then, all attempts to bury him definitively have failed. Far from harming him, the almost one hundred criminal cases, some very gruesome, that he faces have served to strengthen him. Nor do the explosive rhetorical missiles that the media considered the most prestigious such as the New York Times, the Washington Post and dozens of television channels fire at him every day. Rather, they help him. Like Milei, Trump has been able to turn the hostility of those who hate him into an extremely valuable political asset.

Thus, as long as nothing unforeseen happens in the coming months, the magnate will soon be assured of the Republican candidacy. According to opinion polls, in the November elections he will be in a position to surpass the eventual Democratic representative, be it Biden, the current Vice President Kamala Harris, or another character who, in the opinion of the most influential operators of the party, would be less vulnerable than the old man. babbling figure listed as “the most powerful man in the world” and a woman who is clearly not up to the position she occupies.

The likelihood of Trump returning to the White House early next year is causing panic in Europe. Recently, Trump warned the political leaders of the so-called “old continent” that if they do not contribute their due to NATO, he would encourage their enemies to “do whatever they want.” Accustomed as they are to Europe being a North American protectorate, the members of the ruling elite do not at all like the idea that from now on they will have to spend a lot of money on defense. Although their countries as a whole have more than enough economic resources to provide themselves with much larger and better equipped armed forces than those of Russia or China, for almost three quarters of a century Europeans have preferred to prioritize social spending that, in terms politicians, bring them more benefits, in addition to criticizing the Americans who protect them for their supposed warlike instincts.

Those most concerned about what is happening in the United States are the Ukrainians. Without the considerable North American economic and arms aid, which has recently been interrupted thanks to the obstructionism of Republican legislators loyal to Trump who would like Biden to concentrate on the defense of their own country which, according to them, is being invaded by hordes of clandestine immigrants , Ukraine would be in danger of losing more territory. Those who say that Trump is a puppet manipulated by Vladimir Putin may be wrong, but he is no friend of Volodymyr Zelensky, who snubbed him by refusing to collaborate when he asked him to investigate the adventures of Hunter Biden, the president’s problematic son, who earned millions. in Ukraine advising entrepreneurs in the energy sector without knowing much about the subject.

It has always been evident that, for Trump, personal relationships matter much more than ideological or strategic issues. This being the case, in the long run it could be advantageous for Milei to appear as a member of the group of international leaders who support him although, of course, in the medium term it entails the risk that his attitude greatly angers Biden and those around him. Still, while a more astute leader would have remained neutral until things were clarified, Milei has never been noted for his caution or his political skill. Rather, he is a sincere Trump admirer; He takes him to be a key ally in the holy war he is waging against the political “caste” and the “deep state” who, in the opinion of both, are the main culprits of what they do not like about the current world.

From the point of view of progressives who are striving to make the virtual cultural hegemony they have enjoyed in recent years the basis of a new political order, Trump and Milei, in addition to the Brazilian Jair Bolsonaro, the Italian Giorgia Meloni, the Dutch Geert Wilders, the Hungarian Viktor Orbán and the French Marine Le Pen, belong to a right-wing movement that, to their alarm, is gaining ground in most Western countries. Although some call it “fascist,” it is clearly different from that made up of bands of uniformed thugs who, a century ago, glorified violence and dreamed of subjugating other peoples.

Ultimately, it is more defensive than offensive. What Trump and the Europeans share is the fear that the societies in which they were formed will be destroyed by an unstoppable wave of immigrants of very different cultures who do not aspire to integrate but rather to participate in the existing material abundance without contributing anything to it.

The emergence of this “new right” was facilitated by the capture of leftist organizations by bourgeois intellectuals who soon displaced members of the working class who had previously played significant roles in the most representative ones. Since the cultural elites committed to “woke” progressivism that dominate public discourse do not try to hide the contempt they feel for those who have not known how to adapt to recent economic changes that, although they have greatly benefited a few, have harmed hundreds of millions, in addition to mocking their attachment to local patriotic symbols and their opposition to the massive arrival of foreigners who are often hostile to them, it is not entirely surprising that everywhere those politicians who claim to sympathize with those who are losing land have begun to prosper.

Trump is largely the product of his most visceral enemies, arrogant characters who find it difficult to understand that, in a democratic society, it is advisable to take into account the majority feelings. In the United States, very important sectors of the population, especially those affected by deindustrialization that has deprived of previously adequately paid jobs many who had worked in factories and offices, feel unduly left behind and are therefore willing to support one of the few political leaders who seem to share the resentment they feel and who do not hesitate to say it forcefully.

It is very easy to criticize the “new rightists” for opposing the open borders policy promoted by progressives who demand “multiculturalism”, exalting all variants except the Western one, and businessmen who want more cheap labor, but in view Of the demographic transformations that are underway, it is at least understandable that there are many people concerned about the foreseeable consequences of what is happening. Would it be beneficial to the French, Swedes, Germans and others if their countries soon became part of the Muslim world? It is a question that many are asking themselves, hence the rapid advance of parties that would like to stop immigration from the Middle East and Africa as soon as possible.

In the United States, the situation is somewhat different, since the cultural differences between the current inhabitants of that country and the “undocumented” ones who are entering are far from being so great, but the difficulties of all kinds that the torrential entry is causing Not only for Latin Americans but also for people of other origins, they are extremely serious.

It is estimated that last year almost three million people managed to cross a weakly defended border. Until governors in states like Texas began sending newcomers to Democratic-run cities like New York and Chicago, federal government spokesmen tried to minimize the impact of the phenomenon, attributing the unrest to southern “racism,” but then they changed. of opinion. Somewhat belatedly, the Democrats realized that Trump could take advantage of the immigration crisis to triumphantly return to the presidency, but even so they continue to hesitate in taking measures capable of slowing down the entry of foreigners who, in many cases, will depend for life. of public spending.

Although Milei has become one of the most brilliant leaders of this “new right,” neither the problems he faces nor the solutions he proposes resemble those that obsess his alleged co-religionists. Although Argentina continues to attract immigrants, they are not people with a cultural background radically different from that of the overwhelming majority of its current inhabitants. Likewise, despite the Kirchnerist efforts to import “woke” innovations such as the so-called inclusive language, very few are interested in the fierce “cultural war” that is being fought in the United States, Europe and Australia. Perhaps the only thing that Milei has in common with his supposed ideological allies is the will to attack the status quo, since the order that they would like to install is more similar to that proposed by the Kirchnerists and their friends than to the one claimed with such passion by the anarcho-capitalist.

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