The trick to make bananas last longer in the fridge

04/16/2023 at 09:12


Putting lemon slices inside an airtight bag is the best solution that will prevent your bananas from turning black.

The banana is one of the favorite fruits rich in potassiumThey are more useful in the routine of athletes and in that of any person. But the problem is that sometimes, when the bunch of bananas is left in the kitchen for a long time, they risk turning black. It is an inconvenience that can cause rejection when eating this fruit for some people. but with this Home remedy, black can be avoided as the color of this fruit.

These black spots on the fruit are oxidation sign. Therefore, in order to consume it, it is important to ingest it when it is not oxidized or has this color, since it could have consequences and the nutritional benefits they provide would disappear. The reason for these black spots may be the low temperatures.

The easiest way to identify if this fruit is in good condition or not is by observing its aroma and color. If it has mold, a musty smell, or even fungus, these are bad signs to eat it is better not to ingest it.

lemon inside banana

A simple trick to prevent this fruit from falling into the oxidation process is Place well-cut lemon slices in a bunch or bag of bananas and close the bag hermetically., if possible. This natural layer that is generated prevents the air from breaking down the pulp and keeps it in good condition and ready to eat.

Also, if you have your banana slices ready, have breakfast the next day, it also works to add 3 or 4 drops of lemon at night to the fruit so that the next morning it is not oxidized and thus the banana remains in its original state.
