The trick to eliminate the smell of frying after cooking

09/28/2023 at 9:17 p.m.


Frying at home without leaving traces of smell is possible thanks to these tricks

It is one of the most common household tasks, and also inevitable. But frying at home is always a problem because of the smell. How many times have we opted for baking in the oven at the expense of a good crispy fry? With these effective methods you can fry at home without having to worry about the smell released.

How to fry at home without leaving bad smells

Frying at home without leaving traces of smell is possible thanks to these strategies:

water and nails: Boil water in a pot and add a handful of cloves. Place the pot next to the frying pan. The evaporation of the water will capture the fried smell that comes from the pan.

apple slices: Put a couple of well-washed apple slices, preferably without seeds, in the oil that has just been added to fry and proceed to frying. As soon as the slices tend to darken, replace them with others until they are finished frying.

water and vinegar: The procedure is the same as for water with cloves. Vinegar can be apple or white wine. The absorption power of vinegar and its pungent odor quickly break down strong odors, such as fried foods, but it is clear that the vinegar smell will prevail in the home for a few hours. This is a strategy that can also be applied to other types of odors in the home, such as those released when boiling cauliflower or frying fish and red meat.

Cinnamon or vanilla stick: With the same procedure as cloves, cinnamon or vanilla sticks not only absorb odors, but have the advantage of leaving a good fragrance in the home.

Lemon juice or zest: Pour about a teaspoon of lemon juice into the oil before turning on the heat. Or you can do the same as with the apple slices but this time with the lemon peel.

Half slice of bread: Dip half a slice of stale bread into the oil as soon as it starts to heat up.

Parsley: always in a container next to the frying pan or fryer, once the water starts to boil it will catch the smell of frying, especially if it is fish or seafood.

In addition to these small precautions during cooking, you can also eliminate the fried smell after cooking. These are the tricks:

Water and fabric softener: Use a small saucepan. Pour in the water and a small cup of fabric softener. Once it boils, the aroma will fill the entire kitchen.

Essential oils: You can do the same by using essential oils instead of fabric softener. Choose a fairly strong fragrance to reduce the smell of fried foods. They spread much faster in boiling water than in a diffuser.

As a last recommendation, never forget to turn on the extractor hood in your kitchen whenever you are going to cook, especially if you are going to fry. And during frying, always open the doors and some windows to generate air flow so that they can come out and ventilate the house.
