The Treasury is considering a public offer of 23,000 places for the central administration

The Ministry of Finance and Public Administration and the unions face the negotiation to define the public offer of employment (OPE) of 2022. The proposal that the department led by Maria Jesus Montero has put the centrals on the table would be around the 23,000 seats for the general state administration (AGE), between 14,000 new hires and 9,000 internal promotions, as confirmed by various trade union sources consulted. To which would be added another stabilization offer for interim between 4,500 and 5,000 seats. This amount would be “insufficient” in the eyes of the workers’ representatives, since despite exceeding the figures of the previous year, it does not enable sufficient incorporations to compensate for the accumulated loss of personnel from the last decade of cuts. From Public Function neither confirm nor deny these figures and allege that they have not yet formally convened the general table where they will finish deciding this year’s OPE.

The negotiations are in the final phase, since the new law to reduce temporary employment in the public service forces the different administrations to finalize their stabilization offers before the end of May and the intention is to transfer to the centrals the employment plan ordinary and extraordinary stabilization at par. With regard to interim stabilization processes, the margin to be corrected by the AGE is substantially lower than that of the regional administrations. As shown by the magnitudes of the calls. While the state one does not exceed 5,000 personnel for now, only that of Catalonia -published this same Monday- is 46,828 places. Although there are instances in the State administration, such as the CSIC Hello State Drug Agencywhich do exceed the threshold of 8% eventuality that the Government has set.

The centrals trust in being able to increase the amount of places that the Treasury has sent them for the moment. They consider that budgetary there is margin and that the central administration needs reinforcements. According to union calculations, in the last decade between 54,000 and 60,000 workers have been lost due to retirement and not replacement. “The viability of the general administration of the state is highly compromised in the medium term. In 10 years, 60% of the workforce will retire,” they warn from Csif.

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From CCOO calculate that an adequate offer would be to raise the number of new admission places to 15,000 and those of internal promotion up to 10,500, leaving a public offer of 25,500 places. “It is key to accelerate the times for the coverage of places, it cannot be that we wait up to three years”, they warn from the central. From CCOO they explain that they have proposed to the Treasury to hire as interim to a part of those who pass the opposition so that they join immediately and then stabilize when the position is formally designated. But that said option has been discarded from the Executive.

“We do not understand how the Government does not assume a multi-year employment plan“, they complain from UGT. This is a shared and reiterated claim among the centrals to be able to draw up a long-term plan for relief within the aging AGE, but whose glove is not picked up from the Ministry led by María Jesús Montero.
