The trade union crack due to the blind support of the leaders to the Government

“I do not know who are those who claim a General strike, because we are a center with open doors, and when we have to discuss with anyone, we simply do it by sitting down in a meeting. The confrontation is with the factual power that puts conditions and corners, that has a very strong political expression in the opposition, that opposes a law so that those who have the most pay the debt, ”he says. Hugo Yasky, General Secretary of the Central of Workers of Argentina. One of those who oppose a General Strike against the Government.

Logical position: the general secretary of the CTA is also deputy of the Front of Alllike many other trade unionists and leaders of Social Movements, who today appease or block the anger of their constituents in pursuit of maintaining unity in the coalition status quoeven in the face of accelerated inflation that hits hard the pockets of the workers and beneficiaries of the plans they represent.

“I am absolutely clear that autonomy as workers is with respect to those who have real power. This is a government like all the popular ones on the continent, which thus face a very empowered and articulated right, with the hegemonic media, finance, the agricultural sectors, the Argentine Chamber of Commerce. and these try limit the government’s room for maneuver”, appeals Yasky.

In this sense, the trade unionist regrets the departure of Robert Feletti, former Secretary of Internal Commerce. “I see her as a concession sign towards those who questioned the large monopolistic operators, who have in their hands in the management of prices. I think it has been handing over someone who badly or well tried without political support to try to put a stop to it, and did not have the support of Alberto Fernández”, questioned the president, aligned with Kirchnerism.

And he demanded more action and less talk from Alberto Fernández: “There are issues that can be resolve by decree because they do essential issues, such as food”, he pointed out about the retentions that the president himself recognized would not go through Congress. And he asked, in tune with the hard wing of the government, that the economy minister step aside. “Martín Guzmán lacks political courage to confront what he knows very well, that is, the owners of immense power in Argentina”.

For Aemilius Persian, the leader of the Evita Movement that is part of the Government, there are no reasons for uprisings or General Strike. “We have to maintain unity in space because that’s the way to win. We have proposed a great STEP and solve the problems of the Front of All “, he proposes for the 2023 elections. But unlike Yasky, he celebrates the questioned -but this week empowered by the president- Minister of Economy:”Martín Guzmán is the only economist who cares about the popular economy”.

Unionists and Social Movements questioned.

Equally, Raphael Klejzera social leader who today works as the National Director of Integrative Policies of the Ministry of Social Development, insists that “the macro is resolving” and that “the government is putting together a plan”.

“There are 3 blocks in the social movements, one is with Alberto, another with Cristina, and we who propose that the right wins us separately, and we have to unite. The most humble people are disappointed but they are not going to vote for the right, as happened in the last elections. Here we have to rebuild with projects politicians who fall in love. Today no one falls in love in the Frente de Todos, but humble people continue to have self-defense to Cristina Kirchner”, acknowledges Klejzer.

“The social organizations that integrate Persico, the CGT and the CTA are worried about arguing with anyone except the workers. The CGT should leave the posts. It has to be at the service of the workers, of their rights and demands, and not make statements about how it supports or does not support certain ministers. From the point of view of their union responsibility, they have to consult their own base and they are not doing it”, he replied. Edward Bellibonithe leader of the Polo Obrero who won the streets with the Federal March.

“So far this year you have accumulated food inflation of more than 31% and that is what you have to see. That is why we are demanding from the CGT and the CTA a active national strike and a plan of strugglebecause we workers have to have our agenda, it cannot be that we are the stone guests, ”adds Belliboni, who runs to the left of the popular leaders who have become the government’s line of defense against the protests.

Unionists and Social Movements questioned.

In the same line, Hugo “Puppy” GodoyGeneral Secretary of the State Workers Association, insists that “the CGT supports the agreements with the IMF.” And there are not a few in the trade union movement that deny the blind support that some leaders have given to the government of Alberto Fernández and Cristina Kirchner in the midst of an inflationary wave that liquefies salaries.

Y Carlos “Perro” Santillanaccuses Juan Alderete from being “functional to a policy that supports the IMF.” “it’s embarrassing”, concludes the leader of the Túpac Katari Social and Cultural Movement about who was his partner at the time and today occupies a seat in Deputies for the Front of All (replacing Eduardo “Wado” de Pedro, Minister of the Interior).

“The left is also responsible for these policies, today they are civil servants or national deputiesbut they walked with me in those years and today they are embarrassing”, adds Santillán who celebrates the appearance of new leaders like Belliboni: “There is no town that commits suicide in situations like this, with this inflation and the projection of 70% per year. The people are going to take to the streets by summoning themselves so that they all leave, ”he anticipates.

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