The top 10 busiest speed cameras: the winner flashed 71 times a day

The busiest speed camera in Brabant is in Helmond. Nearly 26,000 motorists were caught on the Europaweg last year. Throughout Brabant, 416,000 cars were flashed for driving too fast or through red lights. This is the top 10.

  1. Helmond – N270/Europaweg, intersection Hortsedijk: 25887 times
  2. Eindhoven – John F. Kennedylaan, direction center: 25421 times
  3. Eindhoven – Geldropseweg: 22733 times
  4. Breda – Julianalaan: 16628 times
  5. Oosterhout – Beneluxweg: 11057 times
  6. Tilburg – Ringbaan Oost, intersection Caspar Houbenstraat: 10430 times
  7. Helmond – N270/Europaweg, intersection Hortsedijk dir. Deurne: 10018 times
  8. Tilburg – N261/Burgemeester Bechtweg: 9880 times
  9. Erp – N616/Veghelsedijk: 9178 times
  10. Tilburg – Ringbaan Zuid: 9025 times

Not every Brabant camera was a major blockbuster for the Dutch state. Some speed cameras seem to be successful in getting road users to keep to the speed limit. In one year, hardly any fines were issued by these cameras.

These 3 fixed cameras used the least amount of flash

  1. Waalre – N69/Eindhovenseweg, intersection Burgemeester Mollaan: 3 times
  2. Oss – Hertogin Johannasingel, intersection Kromstraat dir. White Hoof: 9 times
  3. Eindhoven – Hugo van der Goeslaan, intersection Geldropseweg: 14 times

In 2022, 402,000 motorists were photographed.


These speed cameras raised the most money in 2022

These speed cameras flashed most often in 2021
