The Timeless returns to Kortrijk

At the same time, there is also a photo exhibition about the Timeless in Landmarck. You can see all the artists of the Timeless 100 there. The photos are by Goedefroit Music, and span a period of 50 years of rock music. For the music itself you have to go to the Track music center. There are many guest presenters there to count down in the Timeless Countdown, and there is the Timeless Dancer every evening.

Vincent Van Quickenborne, mayor of Kortrijk: “There will also be a Canvas program, three evenings in a row, where Michèle Cuvelier from Studio Brussels will question people about their experiences with the Timeless. And there will also be the famous after-parties on the square in front of the conservatory building, every evening between 5 and 11. Last year a huge success. It also shows how musical our city is.”
